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So, I got home yesterday, and I was going to work today, BUT

1. My entire body is sore, and I can’t move my arms without feeling pain. Either I got a cold from the airport, or I’m just fatigued from carrying my luggage around all day.

2. After a quick visit to a minute clinic, I found that I have some kind of infection on my leg. This wouldn’t be a problem, but it’s created a sore directly on top of a major vein in my knee— I can’t move my right leg at all, walk, or even sit at my desk because it sends a sharp pain from my knee all the way up through my thigh.

I’m hoping this’ll change in the coming days, and I’ll keep you lot updated. I’m sure I’ll be fine, I’m just in a lot of pain right now that would get in the way of my work. I’m taking antibiotics for the infection, so I’m praying that the pain in my leg will go away soon.

Thanks for being patient with me! 💖


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