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Hey lads, hope you’re all doing well.

If you pay any attention to my Twitter, you may have noticed that I posted this photo of her with a somewhat vague description implying that she’s been at the vet.

The short version of the story is that she stopped eating earlier this week, and hasn’t been herself— she’s an energetic, voracious, loud, loving, silly little baby, so when she’s tucking herself into crevices, avoiding food and treats, staying in one area, not making any noise or purring, somethings definitely wrong. We actually brought her to the vet on Tuesday, she was given some electrolytes and an antacid, and she was sent on her way, assuming this would fix things. Obviously, it didn’t, and we brought her back.

The vet has narrowed it down to Chylothorax, or congenital heart failure. Technically, we don’t know for sure, and it could be something else, but this is her best guess based on the clear liquid extracted from the area surrounding her lungs. We won’t know for sure for a while. Veterinary care in my area is sparse for such rare, serious conditions, so we may have to get her an appointment with a cardiologist. The problem is getting in, and making the three hour drive. As of now, she’s back on oxygen and has been put on heart medication. Her condition is stable, but she’s still not eating, and she’s spending another night at the vet’s. Last night, we were told there was a chance that she could die between 24-48 hours, and while things have improved since then, congenital heart failure (which the vet thinks she has) is terminal and can’t be fixed with surgery (unlike Chylothorax), and while cats with this condition can survive on medication, it depends on how serious the issues with her heart are.

This has taken a lot out of me, to say the least. I’m eating my first meal in two days, and it’s just a few small slices of tuna. It’s been hard to sleep, work, or do much of anything. I’m going to try to push myself to get requests done tomorrow, as I’m a lad of my word, but I still must apologize for the lack of activity. Money isn’t an issue— all I ask is for your patience while we try to get Little Caesar back to health, or at least, the best state we can get her to. We’re not sure how long she has, but we’re hopeful with how she’s been doing. She’s our little fighter, and I know she can make it, but please excuse me while I’m waiting between calls from Cece’s vet.



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