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Just finished up my first night at the art show and actually made decent money! Even better, today wasn’t even that busy, but I still made more than beginners at this festival usually do! I also feel like I learned quite a bit, and my plan is to re-sort my inventory and get my hands on some stickers for display purposes.

As for how often I’ll be going, I’m honestly not sure. I’d like to go at least three times a week minimum, but we’ll see how things go. The only real issue is that it’s the hottest month of the year, which makes setting up my table a royal pain, especially as someone who has to do so alone. This wouldn’t be an issue if it were just the table I had to worry about, but I also bring down an umbrella and fan because… well, it’s hot. This will obviously be a lot easier once fall rolls around— It’s gorgeous here in autumn.

With how well tonight went, I am for-sure going to expand my inventory with polystyrene/shrink plastic charms and accessories, and I’d love to get some more craft supplies to make some more unique clay charms. I may even start doing mini paintings or selling prints and stickers. What I’m saying is I got options.

Anyway, I’m tired. Hope to talk to you again soon!


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