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Well, two weeks and some change. Technically we won't be moving until the seventh at the latest, but I've already started packing; There's not a lot to move, but I like to be prepared. I obviously don't give personal info like my location away, but I'm essentially yeeting myself across the country. I won't be alone, of course-- I live with two life-long companions who will be making the journey with me. While I'm leaving a place I've lived in for my entire life, I honestly feel no sorrow-- I'm moving onto bigger and better things, and I believe the area I'm headed to will help me realize the life I've always wanted to live.

That probably sounds super melodramatic, but I haven't been so happy about something in a while. All my life I never thought I'd even make it this far, so this is kind of a big deal to me.

All in all, though, this is otherwise just a change in location. Ya boi isn't going to change much-- I'm still going to be the same lad, doing what I love, drawing up a storm, and making content for my lovely fans and beautiful patrons. This move does open up some new opportunities for my business, though-- Where I'm going, selling things on a corner like art or crafts is just an everyday thing, so who knows? Maybe I'll be making more original paintings and charms to sell, as well as just promoting my shop. 

While this move does mean there will be a delay on some of my current projects and commissions, I'll be back to normal once we're settled in. Also, that mini-documentary I'm working on? I'm shooting to finish that in late summer now. As of late March, all the needed audio has been recorded, and last week I had a short interview with one of my cohorts archiving info concerning the subject of the video, so the project is once again moving forward. Basically, I've got a lot on my plate, and I couldn't be happier.

As always, thank you all for your continued support, and for being so patient with me. 2021 has been a weird one so far, but things are really starting to turn around. Forgive me if I'm a little harder to reach, but I guarantee you I'll be speaking with you again very soon from my new studio.

Take care of yourself, and all the best. <3


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