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Heads up, I'll be going on a short trip to visit my family this coming week. I'm moving in May, so I'll be going down to visit my nana, parents, and younger sibling before I move almost 1400 miles away... or over 2200 kilometers, if that's how you measure things.

This means there will be some delays on my patreon dues, but I'll try to finish the next part of my Adventure mini doc, or at least get some major work done on it before I return and work on requests and the like.

April will be my last month in my current apartment, and while I may be occupied getting my all of my ducks in a row, I'll try to not distract myself too much from my work, and get as much done as possible before early May. I'm pretty sure we're heading out on the eighth, so do forgive me if I'm a little harder to reach around then. 

A lot is about to change for me, and it's as exciting as it is anxiety-inducing. It's weird to think that in two months I'll be somewhere entirely new. 

In the meantime, I applied for a few different zines a couple weeks ago to keep me occupied, and possibly get more eyes on my work, so expect to see some relevant WIPs and the like in between commissions. In fact, I'm working on a sketch for one of them tonight, as the first check in is right around the corner. 

I'm not sure how to end this update. Wish me luck, I suppose.


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