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Hey there, patrons! Thank you so, so much for your patience this December!

If you’ve been paying attention to my twitter or dA, you know that I returned to my base of operations late at night on the 25th, and I immediately dove back into my usual work the morning after.

So hey, as thanks, here are the sketches for all of your requests! I wanted to wait until they were all done before they were posted.

Now, of course, you’re probably thinking “wait, Rabbit Follower, I thought you said you were going to color these?”, and you’d be correct! Three of the four are already done, and if we’re in contact on other platforms, you may have seen a preview of the final product. However, much like these sketches, I’d rather post them all publicly when they’re all done... which will hopefully be late tonight or tomorrow afternoon!

I typically don’t celebrate it, but happy new year’s eve! 2020 has been rough for everyone, and I hope this new year finds you well. We all deserve a better tomorrow, and there’s no where to go but up from here.

As always, thank you so, so much for your continued support! You guys are a big part of what kept me going this year, and I thank my lucky stars every night that I’m able to do what I love because of your kindness and generosity. I simply cannot overstate how thankful I am for all of you!

Have a fantastic New Year, and best wishes from your humble Rabbit Follower! 💖



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