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Hey there, lads. Hope everything's going well.

After a year of waiting for correspondence, research, and digging, I've finally got the ball rolling on a project I first conceptualized last year.

I'm primarily an art goblin, but if you weren't aware, I took three years and a summer course on video editing, and lately I've had the hankering to just... make videos.

I doubt this will become my main squeeze, drawing and character design are still number one in my heart, and I can't see myself making more than a video a month, but it's another thing I genuinely like doing that I wouldn't be opposed to putting some spare time into. So, after going through a three-week-long depression because bipolar disorder is a bitch, I decided I would start actually recoding scripts I've had sitting on my back burner. The first, of course, being this long-overdue analysis of an extinct attraction and alternate reality game.

My first video is a little niche, but it's based around a topic that's had me captivated since I was seven years old. I'll be diving into one of the earliest lesser-known ARG's that's fairly local and greatly under-appreciated, but well-loved by the community that experienced it. Also, there's literally no one else who's made a comprehensive analysis of the material, so I figured now was as good of a time as any to just, well, do something.

I'm really, really excited to dive into this project, and I can't wait to show you previews as the pieces start to come together. Art will always be my main focus, but I hope you'll stick around for the ride ahead as I jump back into making videos on the side. 

As always, thanks so much for your continued support. You guys are the reason I get up in the morning at all. Much love, mate. <3



Just realized that this will entail revealing my voice. Technically I've gone on small podcasts and my buddy's gaming channel before, but this is going to be a bit weird for me. That said, I swear to you I won't be using text to speech or some lame voice changing effect.