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Hey there, everyone! Happy spooktober first! Seeing as this is the first day of my favorite month, I figured I'd take the time to give you an idea of my goals this month, as well as some general ideas I have moving forward.

First of all, I want to give you all my thanks; I say it in passing a lot, but I want you all to know how much your support really means to me. Because of your generosity, I'm able to live the life I've wanted since I was really young. It's humble, for certain, my parents still don't understand it, but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm doing what I love, I'm working with some of the best clients I could ever ask for, and I'm able to keep the lights on. For someone who didn't think they'd live past the age of twenty, that's really saying something. I've just been in a really good mood lately, and figured I should probably share a little positivity with the lads who have given me more than I could have ever asked for. I hope you all have a fantastic October and I hope to talk to you all very soon. You guys are the best!

Second, I wanted to break down where I am currently, and what I hope to do, both this month and in the coming months. In case you didn't know, I'm not exactly sure where I'll be going, but big changes are coming one way or another. First off, I'm moving! Where exactly I'm going I'm not 100% sure, as it all depends on what's available once December rolls around, but we're pretty set on one city in particular. I'm being vague, I know, but I like to keep my personal life pretty anonymous. Let's just say that we're looking at apartments in a place that is essentially a bob ross painting. We're sticking to an apartment, and I guess it won't be much of a change for you guys, seeing as I can work pretty much anywhere, but it's been the first thing on my mind most every morning. Moving expenses are going to be a bitch, and I just had a pretty big surprise bill on my hands last week, so everything that's not going to my usual rent and utilities is being put aside. To help out with the movie, I've been thinking of auctioning off some character designs and YCHs, so do let me know if there's anything you chaps would like to see as far as those are concerned. I'm also planning on setting up my Etsy soon so I can start selling my hoard of charms that I've made over the past couple of months. Either that or I can sell off some more originals; I don't really have a physical portfolio that I put my traditional pieces in, so they mostly just gather dust in my drawers. I certainly wouldn't be against selling them for cheap if they're going to a good home.

While we're on the topic of future projects, I'm also hoping to have some other things to do on the side that aren't necessarily commissioned. I've really enjoyed working on my New Vegas chibis, and I'm thinking about doing another fanart project for the latter half of October. I miiiiight draw some slashers? I watched the Boy around the middle of September, and it got me on a bit of an all-too-timely horror kick. Been rewatching a lot of classics, and scary movies I grew up on. I'd love to draw some killer lads for the season but after that? I'm not sure! Again, I'd love to hear what sort of projects you'd like to see, as the sky is basically the limit when it comes to side projects. Also, maybe it'll bring in more eyes to my work, which is always a nice bonus. Nothing makes me happier than sharing my work with new people and making new friends doing what I love.

That said, after this week, my goal is to put more time into my work, just in general. I already work a lot, all things considered, but I really feel like I should be pushing myself more. Nothing wrong with that, right? I'm setting my sites on using more of my free time to do some more personal work, OCs and whatnot, maybe some NSFW? If the latter, I should set up a hentaifoundry or something, no? Maybe a NSFW twitter, seeing as I like to keep my main pretty pg-13. Or, and hear me out on this, I'd like to start making youtube videos. I took four years of my life into media arts projects, and I honestly wouldn't mind going back to doing small video essays. I've got a lot of scripts that are collecting dust on my google docs, so it's worth a shot, I'd say. I just need to find my good headset for recording audio.

I Will be working on sketch requests tomorrow. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. After that, I'm going to see if I can't finish a couple more New Vegas chibis, and then I'll be using the first half of next week to finish two of my three current commissions. If you've made it this far, thanks for reading, thanks for your continued support, and have a wonderful evening.


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