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feeling like a forest fairy in this dress 🧚🏼 what type of fairy would you be/what power would you possess?

i used to luv using the fairy name generator to come up with character names!! also should i get a fairy tattoo 👀

i also have a ton of vacation photos if you guys are interested in seeing any of those, just let me know!!




Vacation photos!!


Please tell me these photos are the beginning of something good! Maybe that new tier....?


I find it disappointing that you said in a video you didn't like that people sexualize you and then when I look on your Patreon all I see is a bunch of middle schoolers and middle aged men sexualizing you 😐then again, you're just feeding them this typa content so they stay paying 😐I aint gonna stay here no longer. Cya beebs


Thicc thighs save lives ❤️


Just admire the queen and keep it moving. Your opinion is tasteless

Nick Nack

I mean, she can’t help how other people act. That’s their choice to simp, not hers. And she can wear what she wants? It’s her body, her clothes, her page. So calm down. 😂 Why does her wearing slightly revealing clothes means she wants to be sexualized? Maybe she wears it because it’s what she likes wearing and feels comfortable in, not because she’s trying to get attention. One thing about B is that she’s obviously into fashion. She’s always switching up her fashion in every vid. So let her express herself without judging her. Just because you sexualize her outfits doesn’t mean that’s what she was intending to do. So maybe you’re the prob. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


We’re already spoiled with these photos but I’m not gonna say no to Vacation photos


Damnn! Ended their career with that comment post lol but you are 100% correct.

Nick Nack

Yes to everything! Yes to the fit, to the fairy tat, the vacay pics, and to the propo—what? You didn’t actually propose? Must’ve just fantasized it, my bad. 😅🤗




Yea, the photos would be cool ☺️.


Nick, you're so driven in your lust for her that you're not even thinking straight, and I pity you for that. I agree, it is her choice to wear what she wants to wear (I've said that from the beginning), but to say you don't want to be sexualized but then post pictures of you wearing absurdly skimpy outfits and in poses you obviously planned to make people go ultra Beebee cuck mode, like how a lot of these 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗱𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘀 and 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗱𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝗺𝗲𝗻 are in her comments, then you're just lying to yourself and your followers 😐If you actually cared about Beebee, you would be concerned for her, if you knew about the stuff she said in her older videos at least, but instead you care more about her looks. Also bro, I definitely aint the problem 😂the problem is all those people that are simping for her so much that they want her to start an only fans, post feet pics, want her to cuck them, and those dudes that roleplay like shes their wife. You're one of them btw. Tell me, how am I the one sexualizing her outfits when shes egging these people on with tight panties, no panties, only bras, tight boxers, and so many more extremely tight/revealing outfits and poses. Shes doing all this to get you guys to stay paying money, which is absolutely festering. This is borderline prostitution. I truly say this out of all love in my heart for you guys: stop making her your boing machine and spare your conscience from this lust before you get in too deep. If you actually still have a conscience, you'd be able to recognize how filthy yall simps are😐

Nick Nack

I agree some of the people on here are pervs and only lust for her sexually. I see weirdos on here all the time in her comments, but it’s not her fault they’re like that. No matter how she dresses, there’s always gonna be weirdos sexualizing her. Whether she’s in a revealing outfit or a hoodie with sweats, weirdos will be weirdos no matter what. So let’s not blame it on her. I could care less about her looks. Is she attractive? Of course. There’s hundreds of attractive ASMRTISTS out there, but if the ASMR isn’t good then I ain’t gonna follow. Same here. I followed her because she’s super talented and genuinely one of the best currently. It’s not her outfits driving people to be that way. These people are already dysfunctional creeps who can’t control their urges. 😂 Also, prostitution? That’s waayyyy over exaggerating my guy. You’re acting like her ass and breasts are out. Her outfits aren’t THAT sexual. There’s way worse out there. I would say her posts are pretty mild & tame compared to others. Like I said previously though, you don’t know if she’s doing it for attention for not. You have no way of knowing her intentions behind it. So don’t insinuate she is doing it for attention. Why is it so hard to believe she just genuinely likes wearing those “sexual” outfits for herself. Because she likes them? Because she wants to look good for HERSELF and not for you or others to lust after her. Maybe she doesn’t see it as sexual as you and others might? Different people have different views on what’s too revealing and too sexual or not. We all care about her dude, just because we don’t judge her based off what she likes to wear doesn’t mean we don’t care. Concerned for her? Why would there be any reason to be concerned? This is such a minuscule silly reason to be concerned. As long as she’s happy and doing what makes her feel good, then that’s all that matters and there’s no reason to be concerned. I think you’re just overreacting my guy. But I doubt anything I say or you say will change the others perspective, so let’s just agree to disagree because this argument is pointless. Lol do what you want though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I agree that she does invite such attention but I have learned to just shrug my shoulders and take it as it is. I don't know Beebee personally and so I don't care how she presents herself as long as she delivers on the content I decided to pay for (ASMR).


I will gladly end this argument, but there are few points that you said that I want to answer. I'm sorry in advance for typing a lot. You don't have to read it, but I just want it to be said at least. 1. I think it kinda is her fault the people are like that 😐Her pictures she would post back then used to just be her in her normal fits, and you would have maybe a couple simps here and there show up, but I've noticed that the likes and comments were a lot lower. When she started to post more and more revealing clothes and sexual poses, the likes went up, the comments went up, and more simps showed up. With her patreon, its really not hard to spot that a ton more people have joined ever since she started posting revealing pictures of herself and in poses that drives people mad. Its literally like a supply and demand graph. She supplies the simps with more simp content, more come in and give her more money, comments, and likes, which makes her more suggested and also gets her even more money. Before she started posting these loose pictures, her fanbase was mostly sane, had common sense, and would just comment about her fits, how pretty she is, and would respond to stuff she would post about. Now after posting these typa things her community has more arguing, hardcore downbad people, lacks all common sense, and theres always a huge chunk of "OH MY GOSH!!! YOurE SOoOooOO SEXY 🥵🥵🥵BE MINE🥵🥵DROP THE ONLY FANS!!🥵!!🥵🥵!" typa comments. Its filthy. I wouldn't have even said that the "be mine" type comments were bad back then because that was just a flattering way for people to say shes really pretty, but naw now its so disgusting to see those comments now cuz everyone is so triflingly down bad for her. Do the research yourself if you don't believe me tho. She became more popular on ig and patreon when she started posting more and more skimpy stuff. You'll be able to tell by the likes and comments. Oh and whenever she posts something that isn't skimpy content the likes, comments, and even YT views drop off immensely 😬that just shows how much her community really cares for her. (geeze that was long) 2. I also only came for asmr content when she was first starting out, and I loved how it was back then, when her community was nice and calm and you would see comments relating to her posts or how pretty she is. Now tho, its hard to even avoid one of those thirsty comments. And yeah, theres plenty of more asmr artists that wear even worse things, but its not about the comparison. Its about what they're doing. I think her asmr content is still the best of the best and I find it hard not to be satisfied by her videos, but I find it annoying that shes starting to wear things that invite and entertain the very people she said she dislikes, and instead of cutting off the root of the problem, she embraces it by wearing even worse things than she did before that would draw in even more people like those people. 3. I didn't say this is pure prostitution, don't get it twisted. I said its borderline. The reason being, shes literally posting loose pictures that so many people simp for and call "sexy" for money 😐Don't you see the similarity between the two? And its highkey obvious shes doing it for attention. She used to post pics and vids of her in her normal stylish outfits, and they would look good. It would be hard not to admire how pretty she looked in her outfits. Not her her in a bra and no panties with a sticker over her privates, not her in a bra and short shorts, not her in tight clothes that u can see the outlines of her privates in, not her bending over, and not her squeezing her breasts together to make them look as big as possible. I'd say 95% of those filthy simp comments didn't even arrive until she started doing those typa pictures 😐I can't even admire how pretty she looks anymore in the pictures she posts because all I see is her sexualizing herself. It really sucks to see how she went from having a good standard to now endorsing the very people she was frustrated with when she had her good standards. I'm fine with if shes doing it for herself cuz it makes her happy, but its clear shes not doing it for herself. If she really was doing it for herself and was still frustrated that people sexualized her, then why would she post these pictures in the first place if she knew people would sexualize them? And Heck yeah I'm concerned for her, because ik for a fact this is going to lead to her having mental health issues when she sees that the larger her fanbase gets, the more filthy they will become, and the less respectable people will make their presence even known in the community. That or shes gonna start and only fans like all of her cucks are begging her to, which is really going to bring her down for sure.


Definitely looking like you came straight out of an enchanted first with this one. Would love to see vaycay pics!


tbh I really don't care about what u think bro. I was leaving my note for beebee and leaving. This community aint for me anymore. Also...somebody read it 😂

Kevin miles

Wow this is hot. If you got it why not use it to your advantage. Really hope to see more of you in the future 😜


I don’t usually respond to these type of things bc you are tremendously stupid - but instead of writing out these paragraphs “mansplaining” what you think is going on here - send a DM. The button is right there. YOU are the one looking for attention, writing it in the comments. Stop hiding behind caring and good riddance.


oh hey Beebee, fancy seeing you round this neck o' woods


Claudia...what? Like genuinely, what? For one, you can remove the quotations, cuz I never said mansplaining. Two, I wouldn't have even wrote these paragraphs and woulda just left it with my one message if homie didn't wanna have a convo about it 😅Three, am I not allowed to make a comment on a post that allows me to comment? Does it upset you that I have a different opinion than you? Why am I gonna send a dm saying adios without any context? Theres nothing wrong with leaving it under a post that was the final straw for me to say hey this isn't worth my money. Four, I guess I technically am looking for attention? I mean, I left a comment so beebee could see it (seeking attention 🤯) but I'm not seeking attention by responding to what people say to my comment. I'm just responding to what people said to my comment ._. and for goodness sake, what does "Stop hiding behind caring" mean? You don't want me to care for her? You seem too fed up if you're gonna say good riddance in the first message you ever sent to me 😐


Pretty sexist to say "mansplaining". What if someone said you were "womansplaining"?


Most people who are offended by certain content just tend to leave quietly but I can see that the guy is obviously passionate about this channel. I would just politely say something like: "yo, this isn't the content I originally came to enjoy, have a good one!"


waiting for my subscription to end (which is tomorrow), till then, Ima keep on coming back to see what yall goofy white knight simps are saying to me. You think ima just let yall rag on me and not respond? Especially if you tried to make a valid point to what I posted? 🙄


You're right Ash, most normal adults would just leave quietly and move on with their lives if they didn't like the content . Unfortunately, Venom and John aren't normal adults, they're entitled children who think they have the right to tell beebee how to live her life and run her channel and Patreon. It's crazy that they somehow think they're justified and will never see the error of their ways, but some people are just lost causes and are better off ignored and forgotten 🤷‍♂️


Dressed pulled up... lol. That says it all. It's like Asmr Rose complaining about the same thing. Narcissist or knows exactly what's she's doing. I say both but we all know that too. I'm guessing she hit a sub count she wanted and now she is happy with the income. Watch the change people and the true BEEBEE come out. I'll pass on renewing she reminds me of Asmr Mads/Gracev and the complaining will be coming. If she follows their route that means stop posting on P:atreon and play victim when people called out. You'd think easy money for taking pics she usually would take and whispering in a mic would make someone happy but that's the typical ASMRist. Why do you think no new tiers have came..... Carrot and the horse. For you all saying stop sexualizing her simps and perves.. Really!!! I bet you aren't subbed to Asmr Fred or any dude. I think we both see the same content and it has changed when she wasn't getting in subs. Stop acting like she doesn't know what's she's doing. White Knight.


Yes vacation pics


Prob. A Dryad, control nature and help grow back nature where man has destroyed it.


As long as I get content I am golden, same as any customer. I have never complained about anything posted. She is an adult and can go as far with it, or not, as she wants to. I'm no ones keeper and I don't know a person on here, including her. I couldn't care less.


Don’t shame her. She probably meant she doesn’t like it when people sexualize her asmr because her asmr is meant to be cozy and relaxing. Where as her selfies are meant to be more focused on her and her fashion and being a grown woman with a beautiful body and expressing herself anyway she wants. Let Beebs be beebs


I would say the guy made one point though and that is that the more 'adult' stuff invites a weirder fanbase which does directly affect the more wholesome lot so we should always read the content of what someone says and not just rule them out as crazy. That part to me was a fair point.


We are too damnnnnn lucky 😍😍


Also, this kind of stuff does often cause problems for people down the road with family, relationships, employers etc. but again, every adult has the right to make their own choices and decide what is right for them.


you look so damn good and yes for sure for the vacation photos! id probs be a gnome those lil dudes crack me up


You know you can drop to the lower tier to avoid all of your complaints right?


idk where u got me telling her how she should live her life, and its clear you guys didn't read some of the stuff I said cuz I've literally affirmed stuff that you guys are saying I'm against 🥶 I said it was disappointing that she sexualizes herself in her new content when she said she doesn't like to be sexualized, that its only gonna be damaging, and that its going to bring in a bunch of mindless simps. Also, you guys' logic for entitlement is ridiculous. I'm entitled for making a comment thats me stating my opinion that I don't like that shes sexualizing herself and brought up that she said she doesn't like to be sexualized, but you guys aren't entitled for stating your opinions that its okay for her to sexualize herself even tho she said she doesn't like it. At least Ash, Shelby, John, and Chris have actual statements with actual logic and reasoning. The rest of yall are just so dang mindless its not even funny. Yall didn't even read anything except probably my first comment and then started ragging on me and got upset about my paragraphs that you didn't even read. If you woulda read it you woulda realized that the stuff yall are acting like I'm saying is not what I said, and u woulda also read just how much the community cares more about her body than her overall well being (I guess yall are one of those people that care more about her body tho. Not surprised considering yall be commenting those thirst comments and are subscribed to hentai patreons)😂If yall really did read my stuff and still are acting like I'm calling her trash and saying she should live her life a different way then you're just lying and taking junk outa context to affirm your perspective 😐And why are yall deleting your comments? Dont pretend like yall never posted anything😂 Thank you Ash for understanding that yeah, I am passionate about the channel, cuz I've been here for 2 years now, and I don't like seeing people sexualize her when she said she doesn't want to be sexualized. Also, me seeing her lose her good standards that she had before in order to satisfy a few patreons so she can get money bothers me, cuz its feeding the very people she said she doesn't like and in a harmful way. If I didn't care about her, then I wouldn't have said anything and I woulda just kept my mouth shut and left quietly, but obviously I do care about her, and its not loving to not tell somebody the truth and just let them lose themselves trying to please people or trying to gain money. The least I can do is say something, and if they don't want to accept it, fine. Not gonna harass them about it. Yall clearly see I aint harassing her. I just had my one comment and I wanted to leave it at that; however, you guys did make me post a ton more comments about it in order to defend myself from such wild claims, and its way more than I wanted, so don't act like I'm forcing my opinion on her and telling her how she should live her life. No, I'm just responding to your comments 😅 Thank you Shelby for saying a reasonable statement. I'm open ears to your statement, but I still don't agree with it. If she doesn't want to be sexualized, I don't think its good for her to post these adult pics because its only going to bring people that will sexualize her. If she really is doing what you're saying, then I find it strange, but I'm just saying my opinion on the topic to her, and I'm leaving it at that. If thats what she wants to do, fine. Jeff, I don't think you understand the extreme irony and hypocrisy in what you just said. Its pathetically laughable. Dont forget the other day you acted you had the right to tell Raleigh how to comment for 'the Queen Bee', and you were straight up deranged arguing with John about how its okay to scam, and you were so in the wrong. Also, after I did exactly what you said to Raleigh and commented in your 'proper' standard, you said "I ain't reading all that" 😅🗿You are right, It is crazy that some people think they're just so dang justified. You were wrong about the scamming, wrong about patreon not caring about theft, wrong about how to comment (dude thats just stupid what u said LOL), and you're just weird if you think I'm wrong for not affirming all these "BEEBEE PEG ME PLEASE🥵🥵🥵ONLY FANS NOW ILL PAY A KIDNEY FOR IT 🥵🥵" typa people. I bet you were too lazy to read this comment too😅Won't be surprised if you said "I'm not reading all that" again. Timothy, I thank you for your reasonable comment. I know I can drop down a tier, but it still doesn't change that shes affirming these people that only care about her rear end than her mental health. I'd rather not spend my money on her patreon at all if her community is just gonna be a bunch of filthy middle aged men without a spouse hitting on a 19 year old commenting about how "sexy" she is and how they wanna see more feet pics, and I also don't want to stay to see her be a bunch of 13 year old's boing machine. This junk is just trifling. For those of you that actually understand where I'm coming from (SINCE SHE SAID SHE DOESNT WANT TO BE SEXUALIZED), I thank you for being competent. For those of you commenting angerly about me disapproving the lust, truly, what is wrong with you?


#8 my heart cant take this <3


Well I do love the color green 😁


i peek a tatt what does it say


yooo i aint readin all that. im happy for you tho. Or sorry that happened


Beebee should start an onlyfans. Her body is too good to not 😍


Vacation photos, yes


SHEEEEEEEEEEESH! Beebee really can pull off any fit.


Definitely vacation photos, especially if there are food pics!


The last picture 😫




I knew a photo drop with this dress would be 💣

Simon Shbs19

absolutely stunning!!

