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okay lol so i’ve fiddled with fixing the audio and i’ve done the best i can to sync it up! by no means am i a professional editor and there’s certain parts that still aren’t perfect, but a lot of you guys voted to go ahead and upload it, so i will! i still do apologize for the quality🥺 don’t know wtf happened! 😅

i also want you guys to have the best so i’m going to film another video that’ll be something i’m proud of to give to you all that you deserve! so i will post the funky messed up video lol ( think of it like a bloopers video like someone mentioned on the other post) but i will also make a new one! hopefully you guys are okay with that? 🖤



Thank you for being so dedicated to this❤️‍🩹 we know that you don’t have to do any of this but I do personally appreciate the things you do


Thank you Beebee we appreciate anything. Your videos are always amazing.


Yes! 😁


Of course we are!


Sounds great, thanks for all the effort you put into this! It really shows how much you care and that means a lot <3


Awesome appreciate all u do for us bee 👌❤️👍


I'm not okay with that 😕


:)) whatever you’re happy to do Bee

Juan L

I wanna hear it already😩😅😴😴


Lol I can just imagine it now. Shes talking but its 3 seconds delayed 😅


Most def 💯


Thanks a lot! You do a awesome job. Appreciate you so much