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Long time no see!

So first I want to apologize for the lack of content/updates. Between working on commissions and being sick Patreon has sort of fallen to the wayside. I've also really been grinding on the Midna animation, was hoping to get it done this month but being sick completely wrecked my momentum and there's still quite a few shots to get done. Still gonna try though!
I'm also going to be posting last months source files after this post.

And of course, I never put the poll up for this month. I'm going to wait until next month and just restart the poll proper rather than piling it on to everything else and I'm sorry for that :(
Instead, I'd like you guys to leave some sketch requests in the comments for me to do as warmups or during any downtime I have. I think that would be a fun way to make up for the missing poll and also give some attention to some of the less voted on characters. I won't promise to do them all but I'll get to as many as I reasonably can!



Some Paper Mario: TTYD characters maybe? Your choice they’re all good imo.


Is it too late 👀