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Seeking your opinion on a particular topic (Part 2)

  • Yes, open the new ''Killer Ball'' tier for those interested in hardcore content 17
  • No, that content definitely should not exist 6
  • 2024-03-23
  • —2024-04-14
  • 23 votes
{'title': 'Seeking your opinion on a particular topic (Part 2)', 'choices': [{'text': "Yes, open the new ''Killer Ball'' tier for those interested in hardcore content", 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'No, that content definitely should not exist', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 14, 13, 14, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 23, 10, 3, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 23}


Hey friends! Many of you will probably remember this poll that I published a few days ago: https://www.patreon.com/posts/seeking-your-on-100113686

The result was ''No, that door must remain firmly closed'', and I should listen to the majority, but as there are also several interested users for the ''Yes, open that door, I want to see what's behind it'', I want to make another different proposal.

The original proposal was that of add that hard content in the ''Double Ball'' subscription of €7, and increase its price to €8, we are going to discard that idea, the price of Double Ball will remain the usual.

My new and final proposal regarding this issue is that current subscriptions will maintain their price, and open a new tier ''Killer Ball'' at a price of €9 for that type of bloody content, to give a place to people interested in that content, without affecting the price of people who are only interested in my usual content and they can continue paying €7 in ''Double Ball'' tier.

This time the poll is final and if again the majority decides that I should not make bloody content from time to time, I will not raise the topic again and I will erase that idea from my head, but keep in mind that now this content will be in a different tier and if you do not want to see it, just do not subscribe to ''Killer Ball'' tier, and simply subscribe to ''Ball'' or ''Double Ball'' tiers instead, there is room for everyone here.

Once the proposal is on the table, please leave your vote and let's see what happens.



i've been sort of wondering about asking for a commission of this variety for a while, so i gotta vote a solid yes here xD (the higher price and separate tier seems good idea)