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TL/DR: Real life stuff happened, I'm trying to lower the taxes of tiers, I'm capping future sketch requests at 2 refines, theme for poll next month is paizuri.

Hey everyone, I wanted to make a little news post of stuff.

Real Life Stuff

So, as some of you have known, I've been having a hard time finding a place to move to and I lost my cat earlier this week. I haven't really been in the happiest of moods, but I'm now feeling somewhat better.

Sadly, that means things might be delayed. I am aiming to get Camilla posted by the end of the month, so try to keep an eye for that if your sub is ending.


In other news, I'm making some changes to the patreon tiers to hopefully have everyone pay less taxes. All your benefits are still there. Most, if not all, of you are here to support me over trying to buy a product from me. I've made changes to the tiers to reflect this change and hopefully it will lower taxes for everyone. Please let me know if this isn't the case next month and I will make further adjustments.

Sketch Request Changes

I talked about this on discord, but I'm changing my sketch request system to cap art at a level around flat colors (Step 3). They've been taking up more and more time and I've decided this is the best way to keep time from spiraling out of control. If any of you are currently at step 2 and 3 then it's okay for you to ask for refines normally, but from now on, that step will be the cap for future requests.

That said, for anyone who's currently at step 4 of refines, I will be posting how they currently look tomorrow and will aim to finish them next month.

Poll Change Recap

Finally, I just want to recap the change of my patreon polls. I will now paint more winners of the monthly polls. Suggestions and polls will always happen at the start of the month to give more time to paint more characters.

To give some extra time to think, the theme for next month will be Paizuri. Goldmary won't be allowed on the poll because I'm forcing myself to paint her then.

And that's it! I'll be uploading sketch requests tomorrow and hopefully Camilla the day after. If anyone has a question or needs more clarity on things, please send me a DM or ask here.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


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