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Musashi from Azur Lane!

24 images in this set. Variations are a little all over the place, but basically involve some white stuff and varying facial expressions. I couldn't decide which ones I liked the most, so I just threw all of them in.


Side note: To not flood people with notifications, for Plans of October I'll play it by ear. I'll have a poll on voting for costume and character to put in winning costume, FE stuff will be Halloween related (maybe new characters), DL I'll finish Mercury and possibly Gabriel, and for AL I'm not sure on Nelson, Race Queen Shinano, or Kashino. I'd like do a small Toothpaste-chan painting if I can too.

That's it for now though! Sorry for the bumpy September, hoping to keep improving and making up for it with better art.




That, is one amazing paizuri~ 😍💦