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TL/DR: Freyja might be late, Marianne/Mercury for 1k followers on twitter, Summer poll, summer artworks, and I'll be adding Sketch Requests to Patreon tiers.


So first off, apologies for Freyja, but I might not finish her by the end of June. I'll be working on her today and tomorrow, but there's a lot of weird things I'm trying to fix before doing the variations (mostly her head) that I'm not sure how much time it'll take up. At the moment though, I hope you'll enjoy the WIP.

July will be a little odd. I'll be finishing Freyja first if I haven't. Then, I'll be working on Marianne from 3 Houses and Gaming Mercury from Dragalia Lost as a thank you for 1k followers on twitter.

After that! I'm not 100% certain what to do. It's summer, so I'd very much like to do summer things related to characters from FEH and Dragalia Lost. I also have a Mighty need to paint Hilda from 3 Houses with summer Marianne possibly being involved/watching in the background. I'd also like to enter the Azur Lane Art Contest if I have time.

I also want to do a summer themed poll! I'll start that sometime in the first or second week.

Finally! I'm going to be including sketch requests into the tiers. I'll be messaging everyone possibly on the third of July with a link to the form where you can make your request. Any new patron that joins will also have the link put in the welcome message.

And I think that's it! Sorry for the wall of text. I still very much have Freyja on my mind so I'm not sure if what I'm saying is clear enough/might be too wordy. I also wanted to get this out before the end of the month, but my plans are still undecided.

June was very strange for me with RL stuff and losing internet, but I want to aim to have as much done as possible for July to make up for it.




Perfectly fine with waiting more for the freyja set~ 🥰