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EDIT!: So, this is a new situation. There hasn't been any suggestions other than Dorothea. Is this everyone's way of agreeing to paint her? Perfectly fine for me if that's the case, I just find it funny and want to double check before getting the poll started...or ended :D

Alright, winning theme is Wet from the rain! Thank you all who voted. Special mention to the exhibitionism theme, it caught my interest so I'll see what I can come up with for the future.

For now though! Here's a general sketch of "wet from the rain". This not an indicator of what the final picture will look since it'll change drastically depending on the character, but hope it helps give an idea of how it might possibly look!

So! Please suggest a character for the theme "wet from the rain." If you'd like to remain anonymous, DM me and I'll post the suggestion here for you. I'll have suggestions going until Tuesday and then open up the poll later that day.




Alright, so, Dorothea from Three Houses was suggested to me. I know I mentioned in the past that I would paint her since she tied with Titania here but lost on the Twitter tie-breaker vote. Are you all okay with her being suggested here? If she's allowed on and wins, I'll more than likely think of a separate idea for her in the future, but this one will take priority.


Dorothea works for me~