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Hey everyone! Hope you all have a fun New Years!

Just wanted to share my plans for the artworks I'd like to finish for January by showing their WIP. Thanks for voting on the poll also! I'll be making sure I finish this Freyja paizuri and will go through with the Nott/Dagr showed. Turns out that my Freyja was actually smaller than her official artwork (I did some science, they're exactly the size of her head), so I've adjusted her to make up for it. Also shown are Ilia, Elisanne, and Karina from Dragalia. I'll also be starting the community poll tomorrow! 

Now, sorry I wasn't able to finish all the artworks I would have liked for December (missing Hilda/Ilia) so I'm going to try to do some things differently behind the scenes (saving color schemes, using previous artworks for rough drafts, clever editing tricks) to hopefully accomplish things faster this time around. The Freyja here was done using this method, which is why her body looks a little strange right now, but the final pieces should look brand new and original. Hopefully this makes sense/you all can understand me, it's all behind the scenes stuff that I hope is fun to read.

I'm still fairly new/learning this type of stuff, so thank you all so much for supporting me as I figure it out along the way. I don't think I can properly put into words how much it means to me, so all I can say is thank you over and over and hope it translates! Thank you again, and hope I can go beyond expectations into the next year.

If anyone has any questions/concerns and such too, feel free to ask. 

And Happy New Year!




Happy new year! Looking forward to next months rewards already! 🥰