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TL/DR: I'm adding black and white sketches back into my workflow. Expect daily uploads along with my usual work.

As the title says, I'm going to try and have daily black and white sketches. These ideas will either be completely new, refinements of previous days, or both.

These ideas will follow along side my fully rendered paintings, such as a Kafka paizuri coming out within the next few days. If I like an idea enough, I'll upgrade it to color and make it a complete finished art set (Nerthuz 100% since she won the poll)

Reasons for doing this?! (You can skip this if you don't feel like reading it)

For starters, I want to actively have something uploaded everyday. Missing days makes me feel like I skipped a day of exercising and only spirals downward from there. Two, I have way too many ideas but not enough time to finish them all.

Making things black and white helps solves these problems since they're quick and efficient. I'll also know right away if I feel like fully committing to idea until I see it fully colored with the usual variants. I might not enjoy every idea I come up with, but at the very end of the day I can at least say, "Hey, I did it."

Plus, if there's idea I didn't continue but everyone loved it, I can easily return to make it better.

Anyway, that's all for now! See you all tomorrow :D


Friedrich der Grosse


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