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Hiya guys, TAD here, back again, once again! Today I have with me another general update! How's development going, where are we and when can y'all expect the demo?

Currently, we're wrapping up the final assets we need for Dragoness Desires. We've begun to design the UIs and are busy with music. One of those tracks you can find and listen to above. It's the track that plays when you're on the overworld map of Dragoness Desires! Most music is custom made, but some tracks will also be royalty free to reduce costs. This one is completely made from scratch, specifically for the game! :3 

Below, you'll also find some examples for the UI, check it out:

We're currently busy with the design for the title logo, the health bar and mana bar, as well as how some of the menus are going to look. 

Here's a more worked out design phase of the UI, alongside the title screen. All final designs will be pixel art, some animated, some not. :3

At the same time, we're still working on the behavioral tree of Amalynth. We expect that to be done at the end of this month, where we then have to fine-tune. Lucky, my partner in crime, expects the fine-tuning process to take one, to two months. We will take this time to make sure the battle functions and works as intended! 

For now, I'll try to keep you guys updated! Slowly but surely, we're getting closer to a demo release, and I can't wait to show that off! 

For now, have a lovely weekend, take care and I hope to see you guys around! Stay safe! <3



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