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Hiya guys, TAD here, back again, once again!

Today, I wanted to go over the first three characters you can find in Dragoness Desires and share their reference art with y'all.

Of course, since we're focusing on the Demo First, all of our effort is going into making the first boss battle functional, which is against non other than our floral dragoness called Amalynth!

Designing her was super fun. We wanted a sleek design with a white / pinkish hide. Her scales being partially leaves and growing flowers actually came in a later stage and wasn't the original plan. From that moment forth, she became the basis of Dragoness Desires. Currently, we're designing her stage and all of the attacks she can do. We want to give her a few physical attacks and a few special attacks.

Furthermore, we think of making the battles have multiple stages. With stage 1 being where she's grounded and the second stage where she takes to the sky and flies. However, a second stage where she flies is only possible with enough support or if you guys are patient enough for us to create one. X3 Right now, we are thinking of launching the demo of her battle with just the first stage of her battle. A second stage will then be added in further development.

Other than that, she will get a fully pixel-animated NSFW scene with our Protagonist and I'm getting a fully drawn and colored NSFW art of her with the Protagonist. ;3

Then, our next entry is Jeni and she's our Kobold you can see as my new PfP:

I stumbled upon this very cute Kobold Adoptable and just had to buy her. She's our second character you can find and battle in the game! She'll actually appear in the demo too. Jeni ensures that Dragoness Desires has a lot of character diversity! So there's something for everybody to enjoy. Jeni, as you may realize, will be themed after electricity while Amalynth will be themed after flowers and other flora. 

Then, finally, I have a familiar face whom some may recognize, but some of you guys might have never seen her before, and that is Nova:

Nova is the only original character I managed to add to Feline Fantasies, my very first game, and she's a secret unlockable in that game. As such, I can safely add her to Dragoness Desires as well! As the curse of the cat-astrophe, expect some familiar attacks (if you've played Feline Fantasies, which I am sure most, if not all of you guys have done). I'm really excited to add her too, since she's a completely original species. I can already imagine how she'd look in pixel form, which is going to be extremely exciting!

Now these three characters are certain to be added to the game. Amalynth is certain to be completed, meaning with the support I am getting now, a demo is possible to be made. After that, it really depends how well support keeps up. I hope y'all are as excited as I am!

In a week or a little longer from now, I am going to start sharing the base pixel arts of the protagonist, Amalynth and Jeni. These will be the unanimated sprites of the characters. From there, we can start working on animating them.

To all of you who's supporting us: thank you! <3 We're going to do our best to make this game as enjoyable as Feline Fantasies! Just please realize that creating a game costs a lot of time, money and resources! We're aiming to have the demo done at the beginning of 2024 (January, February or March at the latest). 

For now, I wish y'all a very nice day, a good weekend coming up and I hope to see y'all soon! <3

Much love,




Jeni is so cute

Chiku Rattus

Amalynth is beyond gorgeous, and can't wait to meet her! Jeni looks lovely for the next encounter! And another encounter with Nova is always welcomed, kitty, dragon, whatever~