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Hiya guys, TAD here, back again, once again!

Today, the wait is finally over! The next major update for Feline Fantasies is live right now! :D

What are you still doing here? Head over to https://side-b.itch.io/feline-fantasies to play the game! Go go go! :3

Massive thanks and shout-out to all our Patrons who have supported or still are supporting us currently! We couldn't have done this without your help! <3

Important: we highly recommended you to download the game and not play it in the browser. Due to size limitations on itch, the animations in the final battle will be far from optimal on the browser version. It's playable, but for an enjoyable experience, downloading the game is the way to go.

And so, with this update, the main game of Feline Fantasies is done and completed! :3 Next we'll be working on a small postgame to wrap everything up nicely. That will be the last major update for Feline Fantasies, and then the game will cease development.

So, if you're as enthusiastic as I am, please stick with my team and I for the final hurdle! Let's finish Feline Fantasies with a bang! :D



kiba wyatt

Congratulations and a great job to everyone you are all amazing people and do amazing work. I hope you all have a wonderful day 😊


Congrats tad


You guys did an amazing job with the game and I wish you all the best