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Hiya guys, TAD here, back again, once again! Today I have with me, Yuumi's NSFW scene. I hope y'all enjoy! <3


Yuumi let's out a shivering gasp when you decide to take what you want. Possessively, you grab the adorable cat from the ground and hoist her in the air. In one swift motion, you lie yourself down and put Yuumi straight on top of you.

''T-there you go, *player's name,* that's--nyaa~'' Yuumi moans when you shut her up by slapping her ass. Both of your hands hungrily go over her haunches and the fluffy fur of her butt. You growl and turn her around so her ass is your center of attention.

''Y-yes! Please use me!'' she says, looking back at you with an eager smile on her muzzle. 

She doesn't have to tell you twice! You lift her tail so you can watch her delicious pussy and tight tailhole in all their glory. With a little bit of wiggling, you manage to lower your underwear, so your rock-hard cock boops against her ass cheek. 

(Enjoy your victory!)

Both of your hands find their way back on Yuumi's soft butt. Her warm butt lying on your bare crotch makes your cock throb in delight. Sweet moans of delight leave her muzzle when you squeeze her ass and feel their heft. You can't help but smack them as well, making her squeak. ''You l-like my ass, *player's name?*'' she questions submissively. 

You nod your head. Her twitching pussy slowly leaking her fluids only added to the allure. You teasingly run a couple of fingers against the soft flesh of her pussy lips, making her gasp cutely. ''Yes, touch it all you want,'' she encouraged, wiggling her butt on top of you.

A grin stretches on your face. You run your fingers across the length of her soft labia until they get moist from her juices. Her shivers are pretty cute to you and drives you wild.

Growling, you grab both of her ass cheeks with your hands and pull her closer to you. As a result, your cock gets sandwiched between her soft pussy and your underbelly. 

She mewls in delight when she feels your shaft being dragged across her squishy labia, before she flashes you a wink. ''Do it, *player's name.* Put your Hooman cock inside my feline pussy!''

(Take Yuumi!)

It isn't like you need much encouragement from such a sexy cat as Yuumi. You lift her ass up and line up your glans with her wet pussy lips. The moment you feel her warm, wet slit against your dick, you groan silently. ''Yes, *player's name,* push it deeply inside of me,'' Yuumi mewls, her entire body shivering.

You slowly press her ass down on your cock, parting her soft pussy lips until your glans is enveloped from every direction with nothing but glistening pink. Pleasure wracks your body when Yuumi's velvet vaginal walls welcome you inside from every direction.

She moans in tandem with you, her face showing nothing but bliss. From your point of view, you can see how easily her soft insides part for you while the first few inches of your shaft enter her vagina as well.

''Good heavens above,'' she hisses. ''Go on and fuck me, *player's name!* Wreck my pussy!'' she dirty talks to you.

Her lewd side only spurs you on and you grab her ass tighter for more leverage. If she wants to be fucked, you sure weren't going to deny her!

(Fuck Yuumi roughly!)

With enormous pleasure, you press Yuumi down harder on your cock while pushing your pelvis upwards halfway. It resulted in your shaft gliding inside of Yuumi's tight, wet vaginal walls entirely until you bottomed out in her. You moan and growl before pulling her thick ass back up until only your glans is still inside of her pussy, before slamming her back down on you again.

She mewls loudly every time you penetrate yourself fully on her. The pure ecstasy running through you makes you repeat the process, thrusting, pushing and pulling until you had found a sloppy rhythm.

Lewd smacks echoed all through the cave as you sped up, fucking Yuumi in a frenzy that made your impending orgasm get closer and closer.

''Y-yes! *Player's name!* F-fuck my pussy! I'm--nyaa! I'm yours, nyaa~!'' Yuumi mewls in pure delight. Her pussy weeps her love juices plentifully, slickening your shaft in her natural lubricant and making entering her even easier as before.

The culmination of her pussy rhythmically tensing around your cock became too much for you. Your cock throbbed more potently and Yuumi noticed it too. ''Are... Are you going to cum? Not... Not inside, right?'' she says in such an obviously acted, innocent tone of voice that you growl and groan at just imagining filling her up.

(Do it, cum deeply inside Yuumi!)

Not much later, you slam down Yuumi down for the final time while your orgasm overtakes your being and elevates you to a higher level. You can only gasp as pure pleasure surges through your body. Your cock spurts your cum deeply inside of Yuumi's womb, filling her up with your thick essence until it starts to overflow and dribble out of her sensitive snatch.

''N-nooo, *player's name,* cumming inside me!'' she mewls, obviously enjoying the sensation of receiving your semen. You continue to hump her all the way, your shallow thrusts hammering her in her deepest parts over and over again.

You can see how much she's enjoying that. Her moans quicken and her eyes almost seem to roll to the back of her skull. ''Yes, yessss, please keep going, nyaaa~ I'm almost--''

(Quicken your pace, make Yuumi lose her mind!)

Ignoring your very sensitive shaft mid orgasm, you power through it and use Yuumi like a cocksock, pounding her pussy wildly until you feel and hear her cumming her brains out. She closes her eyes and cries sweetly while her vagina clamps down on you like a clamp, making you grunt. It prolongs your orgasm alongside her as she squirts her thick, sticky juices out of her sensitive, wet puss. 

Eventually, your orgasm dies off into nothing but a pleasurable afterglow. Yuumi follows soon after and goes limp on top of you, panting and catching her breath. The entire vicinity reeks of sweat and sex. Your crotch is completely sticky with your combined sexual fluids dripping down on top of them.

''Now that's what I call a good rut, *player's name!*'' Yuumi says, sighing and purring happily on top of you in her afterglow.

(Enjoy this moment with her.)

You slowly pull your softening cock out of her depths and watch how a stream of your cum leaks out of her gaping pussy. The lewd sight makes you bite your lip. Seeing Yuumi like this almost makes you want to fuck her again. 

''Want an amazing experience,'' Yuumi says dreamily. ''You gave me exactly what I wanted.'' She gives you a lewd smile. ''But I didn't expect anything less from the Hooman who faced the Cat-astrophe head-on and won.''

You run your hands over her back appreciatively, enjoying her company, until eventually, Yuumi slides off of you.


She gives you a happy smile. ''Thank you for that, *player's name!* It's been a long time since a Hooman really took me. If you want to visit me, you know where to find me! We can cuddle and kiss and all the other sappy things Hoomans like you do!''

Her joking tone has a slight wanting and needing edge to it. Smiling, you crawl to Yuumi, grab both of her cheeks and plant your lips perfectly on her muzzle. 

She shivers and melts into the embrace, kissing you back with so much vigor that you can't help but squeal internally at how adorable she is. Eventually, you pull back while she mewls happily.


And that's it for her NSFW scene! ;3 

The upcoming weeks, Side B and I will be busy with preparations for the next release! Almost everything is ready, so the next post you will see of me on here will be with the announcement trailer! See y'all then, stay safe! <3



Artvandelay64 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 04:36:40 Phew....I'm gonna need a couple of fans blowing some cool air on me, and a lot of water to cool down, because DAMN that was so freaking hot! ^^; Such an incredibly passionate scene here and one I very much look forward to experiencing in-game, particularly as a nice post-game victory lap of sorts, tee-hee! ^^ Really love the build-up during the love-making, especially with how intense it gets by the (literal) climax, only adding to the hotness of this scene. And of course, I'm always a sucker for a nice post-climax snuggle and kissing session! =3 Literally making all of my feline dreams come true! &lt;3 As always, amazing work TAD, to you and the rest of your team, and I seriously can't wait for the next release! =)
2023-03-26 02:44:40 Phew....I'm gonna need a couple of fans blowing some cool air on me, and a lot of water to cool down, because DAMN that was so freaking hot! ^^; Such an incredibly passionate scene here and one I very much look forward to experiencing in-game, particularly as a nice post-game victory lap of sorts, tee-hee! ^^ Really love the build-up during the love-making, especially with how intense it gets by the (literal) climax, only adding to the hotness of this scene. And of course, I'm always a sucker for a nice post-climax snuggle and kissing session! =3 Literally making all of my feline dreams come true! <3 As always, amazing work TAD, to you and the rest of your team, and I seriously can't wait for the next release! =)

Phew....I'm gonna need a couple of fans blowing some cool air on me, and a lot of water to cool down, because DAMN that was so freaking hot! ^^; Such an incredibly passionate scene here and one I very much look forward to experiencing in-game, particularly as a nice post-game victory lap of sorts, tee-hee! ^^ Really love the build-up during the love-making, especially with how intense it gets by the (literal) climax, only adding to the hotness of this scene. And of course, I'm always a sucker for a nice post-climax snuggle and kissing session! =3 Literally making all of my feline dreams come true! <3 As always, amazing work TAD, to you and the rest of your team, and I seriously can't wait for the next release! =)