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Hiya guys! TAD here, back again, once again! Since I found a new artist who agreed to help me with the postgame art, I'm able to bring you guys the updated art of both Yuumi and Mew these upcoming months! :3

So without further ado, I would like to welcome Nai to the team! <3 Big thank you to her for helping us out and making sure a postgame is possible! Please check her out and possibly give her a follow on Twitter if you can. :D

Now then, some of you might have forgotten what the original art of Yuumi looked like, or maybe y'all have never seen it before, since it was made a long time ago and never used yet (Yuumi was always going to be a postgame feline). So, this is how Yuumi's SFW art looks like:

Definitely not bad, right? X3 I think she looks rather adorable too! The thing is, this art was made with the old Feline Fantasies vision in mind, meaning her NSFW variant is without a human POV actually fucking the feline. So, to keep the ''classic'' and ''redrawn'' button meaningful, both her SFW and NSFW will be redrawn, alongside Mew. She will, like any other feline, have both the classic SFW and NSFW art, as well as the redrawn art which you guys can enjoy. ;3

Speaking of, here are the sketches of her redrawn SFW art now:

I think they came out rather adorable! :D

Next up will be the final line-art, alongside the flat colors! I will show these next week! The week after, I hope I can share the final product! :3

For now, have a lovely week and I'll see you around, stay safe!
