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Hi guys, TAD here! We're looking to update Feline Fantasies this month. It's a small quality of life update mainly focusing on the mini-games. We're making them full screen, giving them custom songs / animations for some and also rebalancing them. Some will be easier, some will be harder. You'll notice a trend that most mini-games will be challenging if you have not activated the Microchip. This is hopefully to create more incentive to active it.

Afterwards, we'll be working on the ending, adding Esix and her final battle. Those will have custom animations too. Think of it like a turn-based RPG style battle. 

And then, Feline Fantasies is all done and complete! But before we reach that milestone, I want to know what y'all think of the game so far. Please give a rating (and possibly a comment what you liked / disliked too).

For now, have a lovely weekend! <3



Chiku Rattus

I love the story so far, I love the interactions with every feline, and aside from having my own difficulties with the minigames (it's me and my pc, I promise), I love coming back to play again. So for now, 9/10 project, would recommend it to fellow feline connoisseurs.


I ultimately landed on an 9/10 for my vote, although I will say my actual ranking would probably land on an 8.5/10 if I had to give an exact score beyond the provided grading rubric. I'm not someone who really believes in giving perfect scores though, heck even my favorite video game of all time I would not consider a 10/10 game. That's just the kind of person I am, as I'm always more about finding and striving for constant improvement as I think that is the best way to develop your own personal skill and grow in not just your craft, but also individually as a person as well. So...where do I start when it comes to how I feel about Feline Fantasies in its current stage? Well, It definitely delivers on exactly what it promises; the notion of exploring a beautiful island and having some very passionate and romantic interactions with some very sexy felines. And...I'm not trying to be redundant or cute when I say this...but Feline Fantasies (or rather the entire scenario encompassing what FF conceptually is) has...quite literally...become one of my deepest fantasies, especially when you consider that I've only recently (within the last year) discovered that I am a furry myself and that I have a lot of strong desires for anthro and feral feline characters specifically. So because of that, I have grown a very personal and strong connection with this game for that alone, and if my score was based on solely that factor, this would be a 10/10, hell, probably even an 11/10. In other words, this is a game that will forever be linked to me when it comes to my identity as a furry. Sure, It didn't turn me into one, but damn did it help in not only solidifying that identity, but giving me something to embrace my desires with along the way. &lt;3 That alone I think justifies the small push from 8.5 to 9 as opposed to the other direction. The thing I enjoy most about the game, is probably the level of immersion I can get through the interactions with the felines, and I think that's something you accomplish very well with the combination of both the artwork and the level of storytelling that's included in the interactions. The artwork, especially after the redesigns, is super clean and I love the level of detail you put into the characters, in both the SFW and NSFW artwork and scenes. It's very believable (and not to mention, incredibly hot ^^"), and makes the already appealing felines even more appealing. As far as the storylines and dialogue are concerned, I've always been a fan of your works of fiction on sofurry (especially your Pokemon quickies x3), so it's already just more of what I already enjoy, since i read and re-read those stories often, lol. You just have a way with writing that really connects with what I enjoy most from more "adult" fiction, so it's easy to get immersed in the action, and the artwork accompanies it well to make the immersion even stronger. I also appreciate the gallery being a quick way to re-experience those scenes for not only the artwork, but also just the scenes themselves (as I mentioned, I do like coming back to re-read the scenes....often....very, VERY often, lol). I think it's also worth mentioning that literally every feline you chose for this game and story-crafted for...I found appealing in some way, including some characters that I didn't even know existed before this game in question. Yeah, Nala and Gatomon have been long time crushes of mine from my younger days, but I found myself spending quite a bit of time with Brownie and Puck as well, and I've never played a Monster Hunter game, and literally had no clue who Puck even was, so the fact that you could deliver on that appeal on the inside and the outside of an individual's nostalgic base and familiarity, I think is very impressive, as it shows that you really cared for the level of detail and development you put into every feline, and you pretty much get a different story or scenario for each one as well, which makes it not feel as repetitive. As far as negatives....well...I can't really even say there are any major negatives, at least ones that stand out to me. As Ashe said in their comment, fully animated scenes would be amazing, no doubt, but I never felt like the game was missing anything from the scenes not being fully animated either as that never affected or broke my immersion personally. Would have been more of a "bonus" more than anything. I guess another minor nitpick was that I felt the feline seduction mechanic in the 2nd half the of the game was a little under-utilized. I can really only remember using it successfully once, and the other times it was more of just a tool for hinting at what you need to do next rather than being a test of picking the right options, which was kind of the challenge I started preparing myself for and started trying to pick up on specific quirks and personality traits of the different characters as a result, just to instead be forced towards another fetch-quest or minigame for progression instead. I think utilizing it a bit more could have probably developed some more personal intimacy between the characters, but again, I wouldn't say it was implemented badly or anything, just would have liked to see a little more from it. As far as other things....I'm not crazy about the minigames, but I wouldn't say I hate them either. For small tasks that exist purely in the interest of just not turning the game into a "fast clicking fest" for the sex scenes, they accomplish that goal and at least give you something to do and test yourself with along the way. But yeah, as you can see....I wouldn't say these are negatives, moreso just things I could see as being improvements if development on this game (or other games in the future) decided to utilize this final product as a base, if that makes sense. At the core, I've absolutely loved my time with Feline Fantasies and I look forward to enjoying more time on Ruby Island in the future as well! x3 Thank you so much for making such an incredible game TAD! =3 Feline power forever! &lt;3


Reading comments like yours is why I decided to become a writer (and a game developer) in the first place! Thank you so much for all the kind words and praise you’re giving me here! It means a lot knowing what I like to do has such a positive impact on other people! It fills me with happiness and joy that not only my game but also my stories in general have hit a soft spot with you! I always look eagerly forwards to seeing your comments! :3 Thank you for those small constructive criticisms as well! I agree I could have implemented the Feline Seduction skill more careful. Looking back on it, I should have expanded it how you suggested, but I didn’t want to make it so clear cut easy to unlock all felines by simply using the skill and nothing else. X3 Good to take with my for any future endeavours! And yeah, like you said, those mini-games are there to make sure it doesn’t become a clickfest (which it can definitely be. I can beat my game in under 10 minutes XD). I do hope they provide at least a bit of a distraction and a challenge. I know people play my game for the lewds, but I like a bit of gaming on the side personally. ^~^ I’m also glad to read that Feline Fantasies has solidified your place in the furry fandom! Very much welcome! :3 Now to hope my team and I can deliver for the ending! I’m very satisfied myself where the game stands currently! Hoping to see you there as well! &lt;3