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Hiya guys, TAD here, back again, once again. Today, I have with me, the long awaited update of Feline Fantasies! After almost an entire year of development, Northern Ruby Island has been completed and is fully functional! :D

To celebrate this, Side B has made a very epic trailer featuring some of the stuff you can expect with this new update! You can find the trailer here: https://e621.net/posts/3358750

Additionally, since y'all have been supporting me, you can play this new update right now! I hope y'all enjoy it! Here's the link: https://side-b.itch.io/feline-fantasies-beta

I shall post the pass in the comments down below so y'all can access the page!

Keep in mind, while we did do extensive testing to make sure we caught as many bugs as possible, it still might be the case you encounter one. Don't hesitate to tell us so we can fix these! :3

Finally, I want to thank each and every one of you for all of the support you've given me and continue to give me. Five years ago, I'd never imagine this silly idea of mine would get this far, but here I am and it's all thanks to you! So from the bottom of my heart, thank you! <3

For now, have fun, enjoy the game, and I'll see y'all either here or in my server! ~w~




Pass to access the page: EarlyAccessSuperPassword

Gus l'anonyme

The cinematic already has 745 views in 3 days. I hope this will encourage some to subscribe to your patreon! Thank you for your quality content!



Game God

Mittens is glitching for me


The topaz minigame keeps failing every time I almost finish it, as soon as I almost have everything typed in it changes. I did it slowly at first by clicking the arrows on screen but it changed every time, then I used my keypad and it continued to fail, so I don't think its an issue on my end &lt;~&lt;;


We’re aware the Topaz Mini-game isn’t functioning as it should. We’re looking into it and trying to fix it as soon as possible! Sorry for the inconvenience!