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Hiya guys, TAD here back again, once again! Today, I have with me, the sketches of the final feline on Northern Ruby Island, which is none other than Mittens! I hope you enjoy! :3

Next week, her finished variants! Until then, stay safe!





So, wait, is there a beta for the second half of the island yet, or are we waiting until it's all done before we can play it?


Currently, there's only a development build (so my coder and I can play test it). Four out of six felines are implemented at the moment and we're working on the fifth. The second part of the island is unfinished and not yet playable until the other two felines and the mini-games are in. We're doing our best to make that happen as quickly as possible. We expect that we can release it in April this year, so I ask for a little more patience. ^^