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Hiya guys, TAD here, back again, once again! Today, I have a very important question to ask y'all and I need to make sure I'm making the right decision.

A few weeks ago, I had asked y'all if I should add some animated shots for Feline Fantasies. About 75% of people who voted then agreed to it. Today, I want to share the sketches of these shots with you and have you vote again, because I've gotten an estimate for their costs.

So, I'm gonna be honest with you guys: if we do this, the bonus felines are off the table. 

This means these animated shots are my final commission for the game and they will properly send it off should we go ahead with them. I won't be creating/adding any additional post-game felines or stories. 

It may come as a surprise to some, but creating Feline Fantasies has not made me any money. Every single penny all of my Patrons have donated so generously so far has been used to combat the incredible costs of this game. It's why I'm striving to make this game the highest quality possible for y'all!

So now then, about these animated shots. What do I have in store? Well, they're two scenes in total. The first scene has three shots which will come down to about ten to 15 seconds of animation, if I had to guess. The second scene has two shots and will be about 10 seconds of animation in total.

The first scene will cover the final confrontation with Esix, which will be a boss battle:

Scene 1 - Shot 1: close-up of the player's feet walking forwards and approaching Esix before stopping. 

Scene 1 - shot 2: horizontal shot of Esix' face while the camera pans to the left. Her eyes will be darkened here and she will have voice-lines (yes, this will come with voice-acting). ''So, you have finally come to face me...''

Scene 1 - shot 3: frontal view of Esix while her eyes are closed before she opens them, revealing them to be blood red while she grins and continues her voice-lines. ''...Hooman!''

This is the first animated scene.

Scene 2 - shot 1: Puck nuzzling the hand of the player before using her voice lines. ''I know you can do it!'' and reaching up to her ear.

Scene 2 shot 2: Puck handing the player her piercing.

This is the second animated scene.

What do we get if we go ahead with these scenes exactly?


  • 30 FPS
  • 1920x1080 resolution
  • Cell shaded, anime-style.
  • Includes animatic and audio integration.
  • Includes 5 Backgrounds (w/ wider backgrounds sc 1 + 2 to accommodate pans)
  • Includes 2 close-up rigs (player), 2 bust rigs (Esix), and 1 half-body rig w/ 2 head angles (Puck).
  • Includes minor FX (ground shadows, embers, etc.)
  • Includes animated ambient lighting (tree shade, fire glowing off objects, etc.)

And the total price will be just shy of $2600 to create.

Now then, please vote! I don't mind if you're a long time Patron of mine or just a lurker who's keeping up with the game, I need your guy's opinion on the following:

Shall we go ahead with these animations and sacrifice the bonus felines/bonus content or shall we give up on these animations and instead invest this money into the bonus felines?

Please leave your vote below! :3

This weekend I am back with Nala's finished NSFW art for all my Patrons! Until then, stay safe! ^O^




Though it would be cool to see the animation, I perfer more content stuff plus it saves you a bit more money. ^w^

Afterglow Ampharos

I think everyone got excited when you mentioned animation because they expected the animated scenes to be sex. However, the scenes you described here would be just as good in the form of animatic or series of images, and wouldn't drastically benefit from full animation, unlike the porn scenes.

Gus l'anonyme

Like the last vote, I remain on the decision of the felyne bonus. It would be nice to create animation, but it would still cost you a lot of money. Personally, as long as the "state of mind" of felines iceland stays the same from start to finish, I'm fine. Especially if it's to discover new characters at the end of the story! But whatever happens, I congratulate you on your efforts and your investment! Hope the game becomes profitable for you.


Even if we were to get animated sex scenes i'd still prefer having the bonus felines instead of scrapping them

kiba wyatt

Honestly while I was for the animations to begin with I would prefer bouns felines. Plush huge mew fan here so yeah. Besides it saves you money and that will help you in the future

Side B

I think Glow has a point here. I think we could get a nice cutscene with a series of images while having enough budget to afford post-game content.

Gus l'anonyme

You're welcome! As promised I have been on Ko-fi for a big coffee ; ) Hope this helps you!


I would like to see animation. However, to help save money and due to wanting to see more felines, I choose the second choice. I wish I was rich.