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Hi guys, TAD here, back again, once again! Today, I have with me, Puck's updated SFW art! Since there wasn't much wrong with her already existing SFW art, she mainly got a color/shading upgrade! Her SFW art will also get a darker hue, since some of her dialogue happens at night! But for now, I want to show you guys and compare her new art with the old art:

This is how her old, classical art looks like.

And this is what she looks like with the new shading upgrade! :3

Again, it's just a small upgrade, but I think it does her justice! ^O^

So, without further ado, here are her other expressions as well!

Besides those, we made some edits to her sad and crying expressions, and added one more expression that would fit her dialogue splendidly:

The new sad/crying expressions.

And tears of joy to wrap up Puck's new SFW! ^^

Since this is such a small upgrade, everybody who supports me with $5 and up gets the full art! However, for all the other redraws, the pictures will be uploaded according to the tier you're supporting me in! :3

Speaking of redraws, Puck's scene is big, and as such, there are three different NSFW scenes happening in it: oral on Puck, Puck giving oral and regular sex. As such, Puck will receive three different NSFW pictures! It's a first, and probably also a last, because no other feline will have this. XD 

Next week, I'll hope to have Puck's first set of NSFW sketches for y'all to show! Until then, have a good Sunday and stay safe! <3




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