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Hi guys, TAD here, back again, once again! Even sooner than I expected, but I wanted to share with y'all something nice. :3

Ever since I got the idea of Feline Fantasies back in the summer of 2017, I didn't have very high ambitions for the game. I'm not an artist, nor am I a coder. I'm just a simple dude who likes to write lewd stories every now and then. So, when I just started to flesh out this idea, Feline Fantasies was going to be a simple Choose Your Own Adventure interactive game with lewd little scenes in it.

However, that changed when I got a coder and an artist on board. From there, the game changed into a text based ergo game, with simple graphics where you could explore areas, find felines and try to seduce them with art to spice things up. The focus here was still the text, rather than the art. However, because of some creative liberties, the pictures of the felines became the main focus instead.

Cue me trying to keep up and improve the game to give y'all the highest quality possible. Ever since Flash was about to die, I knew it was time for a big overhaul to bring Feline Fantasies up to standard. And so, Feline Fantasies turned into a true Visual Novel!

I think the most apparent thing about this evolutionary change is the art, and I wanted to show you guys what I mean with a few comparisons here:

For any fans who've been around since 2018, might know that this is the first map of the game for Southern Ruby Island when we just started out. It did its purpose, but since then, we've updated the map when my team and I started to work on Northern Ruby Island:

This is how the map looks in the latest version of the Flash version that's been uploaded. It includes both Southern and Northern Ruby Island. In my opinion, it's definitely a nice update and shows how much the game has progressed in that period of time. However, since the Unity version is just around the corner, the map has gotten an update too. So, here's how the map will look when y'all be playing the game in a few weeks:

I'm really stoked about how gorgeous the game looks and how smoothly it plays too! :3

And with having said that, I can also officially say that everything for Southern Ruby Island is completed! :D The final phase before the game will be released begins now, which is play-testing it on any bugs that might be encountered! 

Thank y'all for being patient with me! I'll be back this Wednesday with Gracie's completed SFW art! Until then, stay safe! <3



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