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Hi guys, TAD here back again, once again! Today I have with me, Fia's finished SFW in all her glory! :3 This will be the first of many new art that I'll be showing you guys along the way! It's a little crazy to think every feline will get an art overhaul, but that will really be the case! ^^

But before I go and show you the art, I wanted to share with y'all my goal for next year moving forward with the Unity remake of the game. As you guys know, creating a game cost a lot of time and it's pretty expensive, especially with this art overhaul, I'm investing a lot of money to make this game the best it can possibly be for y'all! Since most of Southern Ruby Island is implemented in the game, a Patreon exclusive sneak-peak with the old art should be possible at the end of this month!

My next goal is to create a public release of Southern Ruby Island with all the new art and mini-games in place. I've discussed it with my coder and my artists, and I have concluded that this should be possible at the soonest in March next year to May next year at the latest.

Our next goal, is, of course, to create Northern Ruby Island, including the boss fight at the end. So, once Southern is available, the next update will be the rest of the game until you beat it. I can't make an estimate when this will be done, but in all honesty I expect my team and I to be working on that the rest of the year at least.

Finally, the last update would be the post-game. This is still very much under construction and most, if not all is not really certain yet. Yuumi and Mew will definitely be new, unlockable characters. However, everything else is still up for debate. I am thinking of giving existing characters bonus scenes like in the Flash Game, however, they'll be different in the sense I'll re-write all of them and make them objective based before you unlock the bonus scenes.

Again, this is all still heavy speculation and it all depends on how well the Unity remake will do. In the end, this game has only been possible because of your generosity, and I thank each and every one of you for that! <3 Y'all are amazing! :3

With that out of the way, let's move on to the art, shall we? ;3 The finals art actually has a slight edit from the sketches. Some of my partners in crime noticed that Fia's forehead was a little big in the sketches, so the final art reduced it down a bit:

I believe she looks a lot more natural like this. :3

Then, about her colors. This was actually a pretty though one. We went through a few variations before we settled with one. The first is her color scheme you see above. Here she is with the different expressions:

Then, my artist, Pilitan, suggested a somewhat darker edit. So we have a variation in her color, which most likely will be the one that ends up being used, which looks like this:

I hope you guys like the new art! ^~^

Next week, I'll show you guys the second rope animation, as well as Fia's NSFW sketches! Until then, stay safe! :3




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