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Hi guys, TAD here! I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend, as always! Today, I wanted to show you a few little things and talk where we are at, currently. 

So, as it stands right now, all six felines have been integrated into the game. They have been tested and each of them works individually from each other. Though, they still need to be tested all at once so we're certain they work as intended, since most of them require you to do things outside of their dialogue trees.

However, we couldn't yet do this since we needed the map for Northern Ruby Island so their individual locations could be shown. Luckily, I have received the map two days ago! For anybody wondering, I decided to go for a remake of the map, since this update is going to add a lot of new content compared to the last update.

Before I go on, here's how the old map used to look:

And this is the new look of the map:

I think it's ironic Southern Ruby Island is bigger than Northern Ruby Island, since you can do a lot more on Northern.

To give you an idea, the current game has six felines, two of which are unlockable by simply clicking through the dialogue, that being Fia the Litten and Brownie the Felyne. The other four require a bit of puzzle solving and playing two mini-games to collect some materials to unlock.

All with all, if you decide to simply not read the dialogue, you can play through this game in about ten to twenty minutes. 

Northern Ruby Island, however, ups the toughness of the game a considerable amount. While it's true the same amount of felines will be added as on Southern, to unlock these felines you have to do a lot more.

For starters, none of the felines are unlockable at the start by simply clicking through their dialogue. For each and everyone of them, you require to do something. These tasks usually come down to finding new places, playing a simple mini-game and collecting new items, as well as talking to some other felines to unlock new branches. As such, there are a lot more locations and mini-games on Northern Ruby Island than on Southern. To put that in perspective, Southern Ruby Island had three locations:

  • Pokémon Lagoon
  • Game Oasis
  • Mountain Peaks

 However, Northern Ruby Island  has a whopping eleven locations!

  • Anime Beach
  • Disney Plains
  • At the edge of the Ravine
  • Lava Road
  • Icy Tops
  • Rainbow Waterfalls
  • Rocky Cliffs
  • Crescent Bay
  • Base of the Vulcan
  • Into the Ocean
  • At the beach

These are not even counting the bonus felines Rym are drawing, which will add another three felines and another three locations (spread over Southern and Northern). Though there will be one other location added to Southern too and that one is called At the edge of the Ravine as well. It's when Medea and Gracie help you cross to Northern. 

Most of the backgrounds for these locations have not yet be drawn, so adding them into the game is only possible with replacement holders for now.

Other than that, there will be six new mini-games added on Northern Ruby Island. The biggest one is called Feline Seduction:

It's a mini-game inside the dialogue trees of the new felines which you can use and try to woo them into having sex with you. It's all dependent on getting a feel of the character of the feline and then clicking on the right option. For some felines it works, for others you need requirements for it work. 

The other mini-games I have shown before, which include clicking on an item that moves across the screen while avoiding clicking on the dark magic, mining for gems before a rockslide undoes all of your mining, dodging waves for a period amount of time, climbing cliff sides by inputting the right arrows in time and finding hidden items inside a background before the time runs out.

I hope all of this will make unlocking these characters more challenging and ultimately more satisfying as well!

In addition, my editor, LovelyMew, is currently going through all the dialogue on Northern Ruby Island to add and edit where necessary. He's about 75% of the way done, so hopefully all of the dialogue will be ready at the end of this week to be finalized into the game.

Moreover, I recently found a new writer who's going to help me write all the F/F dialogue trees for Northern Ruby Island. Unfortunately, this next update won't have you be able to play all the way through the game yet as a female, but we're hoping to add that in the update after this one! 

Finally, I still really hope to have a beta for you guys ready at the end of this month. It'll definitely not be the fully completed game yet, but the most important things, which will be unlocking all the new felines, will be available and doable at least!

For next week, I hope to have more info for you guys about whether or not a beta is going to be possible at the end of this month. Other than that, I'll try to show more screenshots and progress of the game! Cya all then, stay safe! :3



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