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Hi guys! TAD here back again with a sneak-peek of Nala's dialogue tree. You guys voted for her, so I hope you enjoy her inclusion. Here's a bit of her NSFW scene! :3


With a little hop in her step, Nala turns around for you, showing off her cute, fuzzy butt proudly. She's watching you all the while, grinning competitively while her sharp fangs are on display. Her tail is still blocking your view, but you can't help but appreciate how well toned her lithe body is already. 

You can clearly see the muscles underneath her luscious fur radiating an aura of  power, strengthened by her eagerness and boundless energy for adventure. She shakes her ass a little from side to side, like she's about to pounce on a prey while lowering her head close to the ground.

Nala still has that fire in her eyes; it's the same when you went exploring with her before. It's obvious that she definitely likes the unknown. For a moment, she steels herself, and then, starts to lift her tail very slowly.  

Like a curtain that was lifted, she displays her adorable little pussy to you, wet with desire and begging to be explored.

''Well?'' she asks, her voice a bit shaky, yet full of excitement. ''Do you like how I look?''

(Nod your head up and down quickly for her.)

Nala seems very satisfied with your response. A small giggle escapes her lips as her eyes twinkle for you. Now that you can look at her pussy in more detail, you notice how eager she truly is. Her soft looking labia has puffed up and gotten a glossy hue, whilst the beautiful pink of her insides glisten in her juices already. A string of her arousal still connects the bottom part of her tail with her heated  crotch.

''So, are we going to mate now, *player's name?*'' Nala asks you almost innocently. You had to suppress your laughter for a bit at how cute her question sounded. Still, the way how she looked at you so hungrily, her wet slit on display so shamelessly while she was instinctively fanning her tail in your general  direction had you growing hard as a rock.

(Hug her from behind.)

Delicately, you trace your hands over the curves of Nala's soft, furry butt, which makes her shiver in anticipation. The warmth that radiates from her body has your fingers tingling pleasantly. Her arousal is a sweet and earthy smell; it prickles your nose and makes you inhale more powerfully than usual. 

Slowly, your hands snake from her ass over her back, massaging the muscles underneath as you go. Nala let's out a happy sigh when you reach her scruff and  pay it extra attention. Then, you wrap your arms around her midsection and lower yourself on your knees, so your crotch is neatly pressed against her heated pussy lips while your torso and head hug her from above. 

Like a cocoon, you envelop the sweet lioness from every direction, your hard dick, which was still trapped underneath a layer of cotton, softy rubbing against her wetness.

''P-please,'' she begs you, ''mate with me.''

(With pleasure!)

It doesn't take you too much trouble to lower your underwear down just a tad to give your cock the freedom it was looking for. It boops Nala's crotch almost angrily, which elicits a lustful moan from her. She wiggles her backside wantonly against you, her pussy now rubbing up and down on your erect shaft.

You hiss at the pleasurable sensations it brings you; Nala's eagerness makes you all the more horny for the girl. Guiding your glans against the opening of her  blazing hot slit with one of your hands, you kiss Nala's neck reassuringly before slowly applying pressure, spreading her pussy lips apart until your glans is all the way inside of her.

''Aaaahhhh!  *player's name!* It's so... It's so... uh!'' Nala moans out sweetly. You have trouble controlling yourself now and not shoving your entire cock inside of there, but you promised yourself to be gentle with her.

(Go slow. Enjoy the ride.)

With the patience of a saint, you slowly push in further. Nala's insides are hot and very tight, as you had expected. You stifle a moan as her walls contract all around your shaft eagerly, massaging you from every direction. You're not sure if you can even bottom out in her, but you absolutely enjoy her sweet cries for more nonetheless.

''Ah!  *Player's name!* So good!'' she pants and moans, her whole body shivering in absolute bliss. You give her another kiss at the back of her head as you finally get to an abrupt halt, just shy of hilting inside of her completely. 

You give her the time to accommodate to your girth; her blazing hot pussy sending pure ecstasy through your spine.

After a while, you hear Nala whimper. She's trying to move her butt against your crotch to receive more stimulation. Smiling inwardly, you grip her a bit more tightly for leverage and start to move out. It results in another very sweet moan from the cute girl underneath you.

With a little bit more power, you thrust back in again, Nala's tight walls welcoming you back enthusiastically.

(Now get a steady rhythm going!)

With the amount of lubrication Nala was providing, it became pretty easy to find a nice rhythm that provided plenty of stimulation for both  Nala and you. The smell of sex hung thickly in the air as you continued to fuck the little lioness underneath you.

*Ah! Ah! Uh!''

Nala's sounds have turned to nothing more but raw, primal grunts. She has her  muzzle buried in the moss beneath her while trying to keep her ass as high in the air as possible for you. Thick juices are rolling down her thighs and legs to the ground, the amount of pleasure she's experiencing turning her body numb.

Your own body is feeling quite warm as well. Nala feels incredible around your cock. Lewdly and in the throes of passion, you give Nala's cheek a lick with your tongue. That animalistic behaviour spurs on another beast inside Nala altogether.

She starts to growl, her submissive side dissipating into a more assertive, feral side she hasn't shown yet before.

And that's all for now, folks! Some fun facts about this scene: it'll be in a jungle as a nod to the original movie where Nala and Simba had sex the first time together and the second part of the scene will focus on Nala actually being in charge and reversing the roles by ending on top. That's a nod to Nala always winning the friendly brawls she has with Simba. :3 So, I hope you guys enjoyed that! Next week I'll hopefully have Duchess' finished SFW art! Until then! ^^



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