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Hi guys! TAD here once again with a general update! First off, apologies for going silent for so long, but sometimes IRL stuff happens that keeps you busy and unable to do much even if you want to.

Now then, about the potential artist I talked about in my last post. It appears she wasn't fully set to work with Tir and I after all, which was very unfortunate. So, I searched high and low for another artist, and I believe I found another one. I'll know for sure this Saturday, so then I can finally show off some new art to you guys. <3

In other news, Luna's tree is as good as done. I need to tweak it a bit here and there, but next week I should be able to start on Duchess' tree.

Also, Tir started to work on the first new mini-game which is going to appear in this next update. It's a very simple point and click game, but once it is done, I will share it here so you guys can give it a try! :3

And that's all for now! I will see you guys in about two weeks, and hopefully I should be able to either show some Blair art, or a sneak-peek of Duchess' tree! Until then and stay safe! :D



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