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Hi guys, TAD here and... HOLY! Has it been almost three weeks?? I am so sorry for going silent for that long, but there's a perfectly good reason for that!


Uh... I got a flat tire? 

In all seriousness, before you all stab me with your steely knives, I want to apologize for not giving you an update sooner, but life's been very busy, and I didn't want to make an update without some good news.

So I know I promised you guys the game like a week ago, but my coder ran into some technical difficulties: he basically had to rewrite a big string of code to fix a bug and that made him unable to finish it in time. So as Satoru Iwata might say:

However, I wouldn't be writing this update if I didn't have some good news! My coder said he'll be done with the game in two days from now!

^ That is me right now: a very happy kitty-cat, and I hope so are you guys! :3c What this means is that I can finally test the game and once that's done and I can't find any bugs anymore, I will release this to my lovely Patrons who have been waiting for so long! :D I am very eager to finally release this update, and with some luck that will be next week.

Anyway, that's all for today. I promise you guys I will make an update next weekend regardless of what the status is! See you all then and thank you guys so much for your patience. ^O^



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