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Hi guys, TAD here from a sunny island where it's currently 36 degrees Celsius. I'm trying to enjoy my vacation, but it's why too hot right now. Go figure. XD

Anyway, enough about me! As promised, here's a little sneak-peek to close down the book on our sugary-brown Felyne otherwise known as Brownie. :3 Hope you guys enjoy!


When you next come back to see Brownie, she's hard at work as ever on the miscellaneous of preparing some sweets or other things for baking. But since she doesn't notice your approach this time, a spirit of  mischievousness overtakes you and you tiptoe up even quieter behind her,  remaining undiscovered. And then with sudden swiftness, you take her:  your hands wrapped soft around her shoulders, your lips pressed warm  upon her sweet, fuzzy nape—

Oh god what the fuck is sprinkled on her fur back here??

Brownie turns around within your grasp and gasps pleasantly at your surprise appearance while you swipe away the hugely sweet taste all over your lips. Chipper as ever, she bats her eyelids and says, "Why, hello again, cutie pie! I see you already discovered my secret special present for  you...."

[Brownie, why does your fur taste like actual sugar??]

"I had the feeling you'd want to do a fuck again soon really bad,  so I planned ahead to make it extra special. Sugar makes everything better, right, sexy? Or mostly everything. On the outside. I know I've heard that somewhere."

Getting a better look at her now that you're not so focused on immediately  initiating sexy time... yeah, that weird shiny glisten all over her wasn't just how you were starting to see her in your mind's eye. This girl's covered her entire coat in a fine layer of sugar. It's gotten into her undercoat. It's everywhere. This sugar's reached places not even you have.

Brownie's frown grows the longer she looks back at your expression. "Is it, uh...  does it not really make everything better after all?"

[Girl... let's go wash you up. I'll help.]

As the oasis spring is a mere walk away, in just a minute Brownie sat down beside it with her comb while you stand over her with a pail. Since the spring doubles for drinking water, bathing in it directly is a no-go around here.

Brownie mostly blushes while you soak her and she combs the now dampened fibers down each of her arms. There's some chitchat, but it's towards the end of helping her clean up that finally she looks back up to you, ears  tilted back, eyes sparkling slightly, shivering under the weight of the water.

"[player  name]... if you still don't mind staying with me, maybe you could help me warm up again by my baking oven? It's so much easier with two  people...."

[Mmm yeah okay I could do that.]

You two mosey back to Brownie's cooking area and snuggle up in front of her outdoor oven, flames simmering inside, door wide open. You wrap an arm around Brownie's shoulders and she gets real close to you, too, and in the moment of stillness you share, she says, "Hey, before we get too  comfortable, would you mind grabbing something from my work table for  me? Just a little something to make sure we both have a good time. It's in the big, white, unmarked spraycan. Don't worry."

[Be, uh... right back with that.]

You scoot away just a second to get her thing, and there it is on the corner of her table, just like she said, in noticeably easy access. Premeditated. And yes, devoid of labeling.

"It's whipped cream!" Brownie says as you raise an eyebrow back toward her. She makes no motion toward between her legs, but instead grazes a paw over near her stomach... or the bits hidden there. Sultry is written deep into her grin. "I was thinking we could have some fun spraying it on  and I could lick it off of your breasts all sexy-like... if you know what I mean by that."

She winks.

[You know what—I don't know. You're going to have to elaborate, Brownie.]

As you stroll back over to Brownie, there's a momentary look on her face of the struggle inside herself on how she can elaborate—so, as you kneel down beside her again, can in hand, your other hand goes to planting a finger on her lips. 


And Brownie reads the mood more than quickly—despite her fur still so damp, she snuggles right back up to you, too, and snakes her paws up toward the clasp of your bra. And all of a sudden, wow, yeah—it really is warm in front of her oven. Definitely too hot for even your last vestige of clothes.

So your freed bra slips gracefully down your front, seemingly in slow  motion within Brownie's imagination judging by how she pulls back and  ogles your form in a way she didn't quite get to last time you had fun  together. Eyes like saucers. Hint of drool. The whole deal.

"Oh, I'm gonna eat you up," she whispers straight at your chest. Looking back up to the rest of you, she says quicker, "Just sensually, though. I'm not into that other stuff."

[Brownie please just spray the whip on my titties.]

She takes the can from you, pops off the cap, and it's not cold, but damn  if it's not weirdly chilly as soft white foam gushes over your bare skin courtesy of Brownie's slow, gentle application. With the greatest finesse, she turns the nozzle in circles going inward toward your nipples until—with one last firm squeeze for final effect—she tops off your tastiest bits with a twisty little flourish in pure white cream.

Brownie takes a moment for admiring her work, the pride for another job well done shining through her cheeks. But as you've now got a hot mess  smothered all over your breasts and only one person available to lick  them clean... her smile turns lecherous just as wonderfully quick. Her lips open to the slim silhouette of her tongue swiping smooth and hungry  between them, appetite whetted, and you're the only snack she's in the  mood for.

Her fuzzy little maw presses first against the side of your breast, tongue dabbing at just the edge of your fluffy topping—just  as her fuzzy little digits below press under the hem of your panties,  getting started on your full dish at once. Oh, you and she have a lot of food puns available this time around.

[Make sure she finishes her plate! Or, uh—shit. Just enjoy this.]

For how much slighter the fur is farther down her limbs, Brownie's paw pads have dried better than the rest of her already—but there's still a chilling dampness to her touch as she slinks without permission needed toward the wetter stirrings of your own pussy. Your breath catches in your throat just a moment at her first touch, but it comes out as a sigh with a shiver just after.

Fingering, or whatever you'd really call it, and giving long, quick licks at your titties, she's very much in the mood to get the ball rolling. She wants you to feel good, and then she wants to feel real real good. But as always, why wait?

You slide your wrist against hers, winding your more experienced fingers against a slit the dampest of all. Wet so soon.

"Mmph, yes!" Brownie croons against your breast. "But don't go too fast yet, sexy...  you've still got to lick me all over, too. And I taste good."

[You better make me cum quick, then....]

If that's a challenge, Brownie takes to it. And if there's one thing other than baking that Brownie's an expert at, it's using her tongue.

From her perch against your naked breast, she gazes straight back up at you through her work. Her eyes dare  you to watch her go. Lips open wide, tongue lapping out far and warm and swiping cream off your skin with every long lick, getting closer and closer to the peak hidden within that's aching at full attention. Your underwear's not even removed and yet her paw's nuzzling underneath without regard for whether you're ready or not,  under the sole mission of making you feel it. One pad on your clit, another rubbing inside—

If this was a challenge, you lost the moment it started. Every gasp  pitching out your throat is an admission of surrender. You're getting  closer with every long, wet lap, with every warm stroke—and then with a kiss nestled wide and wet over your nipple, cream be damned. She sucks the whip away and goes straight for the filling. She demands it.


Oh yeah, I was really happy with this one. :3 When my partner in crime--Veelik--sent me this scene, I immediately fell in love with it. Have I already told you guys I love food-play? ;P

Just imagine it! A slightly wet pussy licking at your nipples while she's casually fingering you at the same time? If that doesn't scream ''Sexy!'' then I don't know what does. 

Next up we're crossing over; to Animal Crossing! Rosie is a cutie-patootie. Let's see what kind of faces she can make if you touch her at just the right spots. ;3 

I'll see you guys in a week from now. Take care, my lovely Patrons. Until then~ <3



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