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Hey, guys. TAD here with the sneak-peek of Nyancy's additional scene. I hope you'll enjoy it! :D


When you see Nyancy lying on her little rock, staring out over the vast ocean like she usually did, you can't help but smile. Without her facing you, you can already sense she's gotten more confident in herself.

You can feel the soft tingle of her psychicwhen she finally notices you approaching herenvelop  your body like a soft blanket. It was smooth and pleasurable, a warmth that wasn't possible to achieve physically but something she so easily could provide. It made her unique, and she knew it too.

''Hello,  *player's name*,'' she says telepathically, her eyes loving as she  turns around to greet you. ''It's great to see you doing so well.''

(I could say the same about you, Nyancy!)  

Her purr is loud and long. ''So you noticed,'' she says playfully, rolling over on her back so she's looking at you upside down.

Your nod makes her grin. ''Well, it's thanks to you, *player's name.* I-I'm  still not entirely comfortable talking about the subject,'' she stutters cutely, ''but you definitely gave me a confidence boost.

(What subject exactly, Nyancy?)

Your teasing sing-song voice is met with a blush on her end. ''You know what I'm talking about,'' she scolds you, unable to contain a few  giggles anyway. ''And-and,'' she adds, her stutter becoming more noticeable, ''I want to... uhm... reward you for it, *player's name.*''  If she wasn't adorable before, she definitely was now.

''Would  you be up for... uhm... for something like that?'' Her eyes look at you hopefully. Whatever she had in mind still had her plenty nervous.

(What's that reward then?) 

''Oh!'' she says, her embarrassment returning tenfold. ''I should've told you what the reward was first. I'm sorry.'' Her ears flatten against her skull, but your reassuring smile and kiss on her nose gives her back her eagerness.

''You see,'' she explains, fiddling with her forked tail and gnawing at it like it was a toy. ''As you know, I can make solid objects with my psychic, but  unlike Medea, who's super powerful, I'm more refined. Think of it like a  hammer versus a hand. Her objects would be hard and sharp. Mine would  be soft and... extremely satisfying if applied at the right areas.'' Now she gives you a sultry wink that has you laughing a bit.

''It'd be just like having sex with a real person,'' she explains further, ''only even better, if that makes sense, because I can apply the pressure at exactly the right places.''


''I can even create the shape too!'' she adds as an afterthought to you. ''So you can decide how it'll look. Also, I'll be doing all the  work this time aroundif you don't mind, of course!''

So it was basically create your own onahole? Sweet! Nyancy definitely deserves some cuddles for that.

(Let's do it, Nyancy!) 

Nyancy seems ecstatic with your answer. Getting up from the rock she's lying on, she activates her psychic to give you a basic form.

''Now, *player's name*,'' she says, her blush deeply visible on her cheeks. ''What kind of shape did you have in mind?''

(Tight and small.)

 With a deep purr, Nyancy makes her psychic-created onahole very tight and small. You wonder if that was even going to fit, but you were lying if you said that it didn't excite you. 

''Is-is this tight enough, *player's name*?''

(Nod your head and let her do her magic.) 

 With confidence, Nyancy lowers your underwear and lets your already  erect cock free from its confines. Now though, with a little bit more  nervousness, she brings her toy to your glans and presses the opening  against it.

Gently, she tries to press your dick inside the soft lips of the onahole; you're surprised at how incredibly soft and real it feels. Needless to say, the pleasure you already feel is amazing. 


You expected to meet a lot of resistance, but Nyancy's psychic toy fits you like a glove. You hiss as the soft, almost jelly-like substance goes around your cock smoothly, but holy shit is it tight!

Nyancy let's a little giggle escape her muzzle from your reaction, plying the substance around your cock gently and slowly moving it up and down. The pleasure that shoots up your spine has you quickly on cloud nine  already.


Nyancy, for some reason, really has no trouble with how she needs to move her onahole to get all the best grunts and groans out of you. You figure since it's her psychic, she's connected to you and she can sense where all your weak spots are.

''Am... Am  I doing good?'' She asks hopefully. Gosh, you'd kiss the girl for how adorable she is, but her apparent obliviousness to how good she's making you feel has your toes curling, unable to move your body properly.

(just... Nod your head.)

You really don't want to admit it, but you're almost reaching your end. Maybe it's because you chose the small and tight onahole, or maybe it's because of the incredible lewd thing Nyancy whispered to you just a  moment ago with a heated moan of herself.

''Oh,  *player's name*, I... Ah! I forgot to mention...'' Her pause to deliver  her next line was perfect. ''This toy is linked to my pussy, so it feels just like you're fucking me in my tight little snatch for real!''

It's definitely the latter.

That's it for now, guys. :) And for anybody wondering: the other options are either big and flexible, or exactly shaped like her asshole. Guess to what hole the latter is connected psychically. :P

Next up Brownie's first lewd expression. Until then.



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