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Hey Everyone!

So after moving into a new place now,  I've been sorting through mail from the past two months (looking for bounced token shipments,  there's sometimes a few of these)  and was thinking -  new place,  new city,  new part of my life and all,  how about a new frame for the tokens? I know a few of you suggested some changes in order to up the readability.  Of course all the good things about it would stay,  same with the style of course,  but I was wondering if you'd find it neat and most importantly what your suggestions would be! let me know, whatever it is you think! and once  I've sketched out a few ideas I'll post them up and let you guys vote maybe or ask for feedback :)





New frames sound neat! I like having variety in my tokens :) My biggest readability suggestion would be some way to indicate the color of the card as it'd help distinguish the tokens from across the table - don't know if actual color is possible but you could always do different frame styles for each color.


For readability Power and toughness printed bolder. Colour type of tokens. Abilities- flying, first strike deathtouch ect.

Yuki Wong

I've had a few people complain about not knowing what tokens they are right away. Maybe moving the name to the top and making it stand out more? Having color on the boarders would be nice as well so they're easier to go through


I would love to see new frames!


Yes that was the main reason for me to look at this! I want to keep the inked style but up the readability.


I would like to see new frames too. Is there a way for you to display them here so we can see them before they become "final"? Also, I don't think I would personally like the addition of too much color. I like the distinctive look of the tokens as they are and adding color means that a "white" bird token is confusing if used for a "blue" bird. I mean, there are plenty of creature types that overlap colors and I don't like having to find the color specific one to use in certain instances. Having one that can be either white or blue is best and I think the current color scheme allows for that.


If you know where to look, which you'll know quickly enough, it is clear. I like it.