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Hey there! If you're new, this post right here (and all the other ones that go up on the last day of the month) is what initiates Patreon's charging cycle and then gives me a neat file with shipping addresses of all of you guys so I can send you the care packages! Processing takes about a week, and then I need another week for shipping so in around two weeks the tokens will be on the way to you! :)

This Wave is the first one to include the new shiny sparkly tokens! How sweet is that!

I also am very much aware of the fact that a few of you still haven't received your Wave 16 packages - partly due to shipping distance, and partly due to a change in the shipping method which caused a delay but will be faster now that I have access to it! Trust me on this one! :)

All the best, and I'll keep you updated in shipping progress and also take care of personal messages now!




I just signed up today. Will I also receive this wave or am I too late?


I'm afraid you just missed it :( I'm sorry about that, you'll be fine for the next wave though!


i was unable to get one last time like i hoped because money reasons but im wondering if you got my pledge properly this time?