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Hey all, I did something amazing - I managed to finish this month's token way ahead of schedule! Zombies, Spirits & Vampires were pretty much even in the polls so I went with what I'm encountering the most in Standard right now which is our decayed bois. The other two I want to do over the next two months, Vamps because DUH and Spirits because they'll probably see even more support when Kamigawa releases? 

Either way, for the Zombie token it was important to me to include a scientific explanation for zombism (zombie-ism?), so here we have the brain parasites that make it happen, drawn to scale. The good news is that they're quite environmentally conscious as you see.

Anyways, this is our token for November and this time you have over two weeks to adjust your pledges! How crazy is that! I hope you like it, and as always, let me know what you think and if there's a problem with your pledge or whatever, dont hesitate to message me :)





This is amazing


Think we might see some fantasy cyberpunk rat tokens for the Kamigawa block?

Mr. Pendulum

That looks great but unfortunately I got extras of the last two times we did zombies. But am excited to finally get some vampires. I think that was my vote for the first year or two of the sparkly tokens, which brings me back to hoping you might feel like doing something in the style from back then so they match my old tokens.


Is there a possiblility to get more sparkly tokens? =3 Cuz i want alot of the decay Zombie =D


Unfortunately got no use for that one, but still looks good. Still holding hope for a Rat token one day...


I just upgraded my pledge for this one! It's awesome

David Holt

I'm sure this has been asked, but why are the shiny tokens not standard card-sized?