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Hey everyone :D After taking quite some time to think about it, and being frequently asked, I want to take the time and make a proper post to clearly state what my policy on reprints is, and will stay.

There will be no reprint of Patreon exclusive tokens. Each package will contain fresh ones. I really value the support you all give me, the exclusive tokens that I draw only for you are a reward for that and I am not going to cheapen it by suddenly making them available to anyone who didn't directly place their trust and support in me the way you do every month.

There will also be no back catalogue sale of Patreon exclusive tokens. I offer this for the regular tokens (that also find their way into collections and on my stand at Magic: The Gathering events), but in order to emphasize the "thank you for supporting this specific month" that they stand for the only way to get them will be that very wave.

This also goes for Kickstarter exclusive tokens.

I'm sure you all agree that this is both fair and sensible. It's also pretty much the way I've handled it from the start, but I think it's not a bad idea to have it in writing :) It also keeps me focused on creating new work and evolving.

Thank you all so very much for your support :)




I'll be honest since I've messaged you about this before, I'm pretty disappointed :( There are a lot of really awesome tokens with really awesome art that a huge number of us won't ever be able to get. Not everyone was able to get in that first months wave. While this works with a lot of things like this where people trade a lot, it's a huge shame for these tokens. There isn't really a secondary market for them, so if there's a really awesome one from a month before I started pledging then there's next to no chance of me ever getting any. Rather than making them special, I can't help but feel it just makes them entirely unobtainable and hopeless. If there was a secondary market then this would be fine, but there aren't enough tokens or people actively interested in them to be able to trade for the exclusives. It's fair for the Kickstarter tokens, since that was a one time big deal, and it was only 3 different tokens. It has a different weight to it. The standard monthly tokens though I feel are inherently different. I do still think they should be Patreon exclusive, but I think a slow trickle would be a much better approach. To use the obvious comparison - Does anyone like the reserve list? Or am I right in thinking that most people want a trickle of those older cards to keep them obtainable in the future?


I'm feeling similarly discouraged. If I'd know about this lovely project sooner I'd gladly have backed it. I've searched on eBay and no one is selling any of the older tokens so I can't get them there. I don't even know what the older tokens are or what they look like. :(


Hey man, thank you so much for the honest feedback. I really hear what you're saying. The thing that in the end made the decision for me was looking forward - there's a limited amount of token slots per wave and every old one I reprint is a new one that isn't there. This means that over time the people that have been supporting for a while would get more and more tokens they already have, while there'd be no value added for new patrons (since they are getting tokens they've never seen either way). I could reduce it to one reprint per wave or two maybe, but that wouldn't make it better - at that rate you wouldn't be able to collect them all either, but the more reprints there are the more it takes away how special the exclusive tokens are. And then there's the fact that I really WANT to draw more, nicer, more detailed, more beautiful tokens. Perhaps you'll notice a small change with Wave 14 - it seems too minute to make a post about it, but I've been really getting into it with the new ones, put more effort in, and while the earlier tokens weren't bad and were also done to the best of my ability, I think the ones in the upcoming waves are better work. And the more tokens I do, the better I get at it - that's another reason for my decision on the reprints. I understand that I did probably disappoint you if you wanted to collect them all since it sounds like it got harder with my decision here. Please understand that I'm just trying to do the best I can to deliver something enjoeyable to both old and new supporters. All the best, and again thank you so much both for the support and for taking the time for the honest response Hannes


I'm really sad for this, but it sounds fair for both new and old paterons. Anyway is there any alternative solution for this? For example a "checklist postcard" for paterons, with all previous artwork on one postcard?


I can understand your decision Johannes. I am not disappointed at all as I feel it makes the most sense based on your explanation. And I also agree with Johnathan regarding the challenge of collecting after the fact. But, I'd venture to say that there are at least a few supporters that would be willing to trade. I don't know the best way or the easiest forum to bring these folks together. Maybe it would be as simple as starting a post stating what you'd like and what you'd be willing to part with. What are your thoughs on this? Thanks for reading my comment. :)


I wholeheartedly agree with this policy. I'd love to have those first few waves too, but when it comes to any items of a collectible nature, you have one chance to do it right and establish a hard and fast trust. I love the exclusivity inherent in the tokens I have now and knowing that no one else can get more later. So it only makes sense that all of them should be treated this way. Otherwise there's no reason to think the actual tokens are special. I can appreciate the artistry by way of the checklist. But having the actual tokens becomes a sort of badge of honor. Reprinting cheapens their meaning and adds value to each and every wave released, knowing that there will be this many and no more. That drives more and more interest to the product from people not wanting to miss out further. Every great collectible item with after market value came about in this way. I am very pleased to see this policy, even while being saddened to know I missed out early on. But if those early tokens could be for the having just by waiting a few months... I'm not sure I'd care about getting them any more. Especially since I can now appreciate the work on the checklist now. And THANK YOU for that by the way! So cool!


Does this policy include functional reprints? Like the Wurmcoil Engine tokens having a normal and a Patreon edition. If there is a Patreon token that we missed, is it possible to receive another similar token but with different, non-Patreon art?