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Hey everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that (after the delay earlier in the month because the much-talked about two week flu) Wave 13 has been fully shipped as of today! Please allow for the usual 2-4 weeks of delivery time (depending on where you live).

And! Since I've been getting a few questions, I also wanted to clear up how the whole processing/shipping thing works a little bit!

You'll notice the only "paid" posts are the ones that say "Wave X is coming!" Those posts are the ones that cause Patreon to charge patrons. You'll notice these are alway on the last day of the month - this is because Patreons charging cycle begins on the first of a month, for the previous one and this gives me the shortest time between announcing the wave and delivering.

It then takes about a week for the payment processing, after which I get the addresses from Patreon, and then it usually takes another week for me to complete shipping - giving you the usual date of between the 10th and 14th of the month for when the packages usually go out :)

So long story short, if you're a new patron, the first wave of tokens on the way to you is the one where you first see the paid post saying "Wave X is coming" go up. I wish there was a way to deliver the first wave to people sooner after sign up, but because of the limitations of Patreon it can mean that if you sign up on the 30th you get tokens two weeks later or if you sign up on the 1st you have to wait an additional month.

On the other hand! This collective style of processing and shipping is the only thing that makes this project possible in the first place :) If it was structured like an online shop (meaning individual orders) there's no way I could deliver this amount and quality at this price. So I guess it's still fair! :D Also, after the initial wave it is a steady monthly rhythm.

Ok so that's all for right now - I have a few cool new things to show you later today or tomorrow! New tokens are finishing production and I can't wait to share them with you! Also I've been thinking a little about how to expand the whole thing and deliver even nicer things to you all so I'll probably put up a post asking about some feedback as well! :)

So much for now, thanks for your incredible support and for reading all this! :D

All the best


PS the picture above is Wave 13 at the post office earlier today. It really is a shitload of packages :D




Glad to hear that you are feeling much better Hannes! 🙂 Can't wait to see the surprise(s) \m/