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Hey everybody!

I'm currently in bed with a massive flu, and have been for the past week. It's been a highly unpleasant experience :D However I would never forget you guys so this is the post that initiates the payment cycle for the next wave of tokens and in about a week or so when Patreon is done processing those things I'll start shipping.

I also want to let you know that I did see all the comments and messages and will reply as soon as I'm better. <3

Also! It's now officially been a year. Wave 1 was on March 31st 2015 and went out to 34 people. Today, it's 437. This really means the world to me. Thank you.

All the best, and talk to you very soon




Feel better man! While you're sick, maybe you should try your hand at some sick zombies. ;)


I agree with him, if you can, try and do a sick wave (maybe just the patreon exclusives)


haha today a photo of me would do but then again i want my tokens to be lighthearted :D :(


Thanks for the update Hannes! Get better soon!


Wave 13 unlucky for some


Wave 13 is my first ... Interesting


Wave 13 perfect for innistrad!