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Hey everyone! I already hinted at this I the previous post but wanted to get some real feedback from all of you here. Now that the kickstarter campaign is basically wrapped up I'll be designing new tokens over the next few weeks. I usually try to keep a balance between important tokens like spirits soldiers etc and more obscure ones (frog lizard, whale etc). What I'd really like to know is, do you feel the tokens you're getting are mostly useful? Are you pledging mainly to get playable tokens or do you also care about collecting many different ones? Would you prefer more special ones or more mainstream ones? Or do you like the balance as is? Let me know!

Thanks guys!




For me personally, I need 1/1 warrior tokens. I always have a hard time coming up with enough warrior tokens for my modern deck!


I'm here mainly for tokens I couldn't otherwise get that I need for EDH. I'm most interested in things that haven't been printed by Wizards or things that have only been printed rarely.


For me personally I use these tokens for cube. The modern essentials helped a bit with filling that out, but tokens like the Kithkin for Cloudgoat or planeswalker emblems, or basically any token that is from a cube staple would be awesome for me!


I love your style and humor. I want more takes on old tokens! Even more of the same but different versions. Maybe make symbols or add into the art of the creature has a certain ability. I like the fact that your tokens are not covered in words, but I need tokens with flying, trample etc. but would like them to remain as artistic as possible...yeah easy stuff :) I haven't been disappointed so far!


Elves, soldiers, humans, spirits, wolves and zombies is what I run, but I'm a token junkie so any works for me!


I have a Huntmasters of the Fels deck that I would love a token for (wolf)


I'd love to see more styles of elves, angels, 2/2 allies!

Scott McCarthy

I would prefer a mix of mostly mainstream tokens, with 1-2 older/obscure ones per batch.


I love all of them I like the obscure ones. I love collecting them and showing them off I mostly use the Angel tokens and the germ and poison ones also


I like the more obscure tokens now since I have quite a few from you with this Patreon and Modern Masters. I would prefer tokens for EDH cards mostly and the one I want the most is a 2/1 Cleric to use with Heliod in my Enchantress deck. I think that is the most desirable one I am missing now.


I would really appreciate a set of three 1/1 assassin tokens for vraska the unseen.


I only use Voice of Resurgence tokens in modern and Slivers tokens in EDH but I like the look, style, humor of the tokens you make and I like that you do some common ones like soldiers but also whale and stuff. What I really would like are Planeswalker Emblems. No need for text, it's an emblem so a sort of flag whit a logo that remind of the Planeswalker or the ability would be great. For instance, Kiora's emblem that put kraken could be a flag held by a kraken or with a kraken crawling out of it.


5/3 Elemental tokens from Titania, Protector of Argoth 3/1 Elemental tokens with haste and "Sac at next end step" 1/1 Myr artifact token from Myr Turbine and Battlesphere Artifact token from Gild 2/1 Cleric enchantment creature 1/0 Elemental token from Master of Waves Maybe make a general emblem for planeswalkers OR specific emblems depicting something about the walker (tamiyo can have a cute moon or something as her emblem or koth can have a hammer or a crystal or rock). Maybe include one emblem per wave? Idk


A wurm token from Ravnica (5/5) would be great. The wurmcoil engine tokens were really nice. A wolf, vampire, zombie, and angel (Geist of St...) token will prob be useful for the next set.


I've already been in touch about a couple of special ones that i'd love but generally I think there's a good balance for me between having a block of tokens I'll play with and others I'll collect and always have just in case they're needed. The most recent set, for example; Reef Worm will never get looked at again but the Angel will get used. You're getting a fair balance between collectible and practical. As an EDH player though, I'd prefer more practical cards as they do/will get used and we all like showing off!


I'm astonished every time by the speed, depth and quality of the feedback you all offer. Honestly guys you have no idea how much this helps! Thank you so much!


Vraska assassin tokens seconded as my duel deck only had 2. Would love tokens that would go with Reef Worm (fish, whale and kraken) not sure if you do tokens with that much text though. Have only just started collecting with the last batch. EDIT: Just opened this months package and can see you already did the reef worm tokens which are great, so I guess just the assassins would be my suggestion.


As a collector I like to see many different ones. However, as I also do use soldier tokens alot and I just started participating in patreon I would not mind few of those either


It would be nice to get "transformed" tokens, like warden of the first tree, or the back of DFCs. And for more recent followers, resending old ones, as I stated collecting a few months back.


As a long time player of zombie decks, I would love to see a few zombie tokens with a Voss flare!


For me personally I would like to see: more (different) 3/3 beast tokens (I use those a lot as I play Garruk Wildspeaker in nearly every deck he fits in), I'll second the 'zombies' request (very useful), Avatar (x/x where x=life), 8/8 beast, and the 6/12 trample Construct (that's a very obscure one that would probably only be useful for me). Besides that I'm still quite happy with the distribution in types and styles of the tokens.


Ooo, assassin tokens. Yes do those but make them famous assassins!


I know it's not token's but I'll second some planeswalker emblems, it would be great to see your style on those. Avatar, frog-lizard, demon, ape (from pongify) would be great in your style.. I enjoy getting both playable and obscure tokens, so I think a mix of both is great.


I mostly collect, so in my case I don't really mind getting obscure ones that I'll never use. However, it would be cool to see a Storm counter and some floating mana counters (mainly red and blue). I feel I should also mention that even though the artwork is excellent and the designs are interesting and often humorous, I struggle with the actual functionality of the tokens. The names and numbers can be difficult to read, so if there's a way to make them larger and/or clearer, it would be much appreciated. Also some of the designs can be difficult to distinguish from a distance, especially if you have multiple different tokens at once, and I think the wood pattern in the background contributes to this as it can make the image look hazy. I love collecting these and I'm always excited to see them in the mail, but when I do need to use tokens I often find myself using regular ones to avoid any confusion. I'm not sure if anyone shares my experience, but I wanted to mention it. In any case, thank you for the excellent work and for being open and communicating with us!


I definitely like the Emblem idea, and in general I tend to enjoy the more obscure ones myself.


Demons! Snakes, hydras, gold for king magnar, and more mainstream tokens


Love all the tokens you make -- just got a package today! -- and would love Voice of Resurgence Elemental tokens and Zombies! I don't know if Eldrazi Scion/Spawn tokens are in scope for your style, but those would be great too.


I just got on the bandwagon so not sure what the balance is, but seeing as shadow over innastrad is coming up! More Angels?? [for geist] Wolves? Vampires? This new clue artifact token? Would love more voice of resurgence tokens as well as satyr? Octopus/Kraken!!!! Vraskas' assassins ? Whatever it's gonna be, I'm excited to see how amazing it is!


I'd love to see some tokens with a smaller border and more of the token in question. Some ones you do are so adorable I wish they were bigger! ; _;


serious werewolfs and vampires. some barbarians to.


As someone who started playing way back during Odessey and has many types of tokens across many different sets I'd love to see specific tokens


Pack Rats pleassse:D


I know a lot of people who would kill for Kobold of Kher Keep tokens. I like having specific and general tokens. General tokens are preferred since they are always fun to sleeve up and lend out to other people to use so they can hopefully become Patreons themselves.


I play mostly EDH/Commander, and I really like obscure tokens, preferably from older sets but I always like alternates of ones that didn't get multiple prints (krakens, reef worm stuff, etc.


Hi Johannes, after being a backer on Kickstarter as well as having recently pledged on Patreon, I've seen quite a range of tokens you have made. I know there have been some Goblin tokens printed already but I would love to see more of these if possible. Spirits, Soldiers, Warriors and Goblins are always used so frequently in MTG that they're almost a must for collectors and "users" alike. I also love the Merfolk tokens that have been printed so if they could also be included in some packages...amazing! On the other hand, I would also like to complete the collection of tokens with every number in the set. So whether they're useful tokens or absurd tokens, if they're able to complete the collection for collectors, that would be awesome!! That being said, I think you already have a good balance between providing special tokens and mainstream ones. So, keep it up and I am very much looking forward to receiving more awesome tokens! Thanks


May have been mentioned before, and probably not something that I would want each month, but maybe a one off card box that i could keep all my tokens in?


Hello- thanks for checking in with us! I enjoy the unconventional tokens, but mostly I pledged for useable ones as well. Are the eels and such just for collecting or is there a context in which they are used? I would enjoy a mix of a few unconventional ones and the more traditional types, perhaps with less traditional or more varied art on them. I end up using a lot of angels, spirits with flying, soldiers, etc. I play all colors now and then but mostly white. My husband plays other colors and I share these tokens with him. It looks like we will be going back to Innistrad so I'm sure vampires and werewolves and such will be in demand as well. I love the note pads, they are excellent! I would also be interested in anything else you came up with that was not necessarily just tokens. :-) Got my Kickstarter tokens, and they are excellent of course! Love the variety and the diversity of styles in the artwork. You are super talented; thank you for sharing with us!


I run Modern Elves so I would love to see elf tokens, maybe thopter tokens for Hangerback walker, vampires and zombies for Innistrad?


Faerie Rogue tokens or some 0/1 Kobold tokens! Those would be awesome...


Hey, thanks for asking for our feedback. I do pledge mainly for the art and to support artist. I'd like to have individual tokens to play with and prefer to have 1-2 per Token. I desperatly want some Pack Rats and would love to see your take on them - I did like your Squirrel-Token a lot :-) Also a Hippo-Token for my Commander-Deck and some Goblin Rogues and Fairie Rogues.


I just want to tell you all how absolutely invaluable this feedback is. I really, really appreciate it and will incorporate as much of it as I can into the tokens I design next! Thank you!


I would like to see a Voja or Ashaya and an elf Druid token


Spider tokens to go with the "spider fog"


As a runner of silly game breakers I'd love to see a Kaldra token from the equipment set. If you decide to start foiling out some of your tokens I'd love a foil one even more to match the foil set. More common-wise, the various zombie tokens; the last wave was a hit with my playgroup, we have a bear player who loved the lazy bear in particular!


Clue tokens for Shadows for Innistrad would be fun in the future!


Have you ever done Emblems? some Emblems aren't exactly tokens, but having them can be even harder than just getting regular tokens. So stuff like Lord of Innistrad's "Creatures you control have +1/0" and such would go a long way. I say that because I run both Sorins in my B/W tokens deck, so those are the ones I'm lacking a bit in.


Standard tokens please!


Slivers and Emblems for me. Emblems would be a great way to further expand your work. It would allow you yet another way to be even more present in our community and an even bigger part of individual boardstates across the globe.


I run a Rhys the Redeemed EDH deck that could use some neat tokens for Spawnrithe. Also maybe some Ooze and Eldrazi spawn tokens?

Daniel M Davis

I agree with the clue tokens, some new stuff for Shadows over Innistrad would be cool such as the human cleric and vampire knight. Thanks!