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Hey everybody,

I just wanted to give you an update so you know what's going on with shipping in this whole pandemic situation. Those of you who pledged for the previous Wave (Wave 60, Beast) probably noticed that you haven't received that one yet - the reason for that is that I'm currently unable to ship to about half of you (as in, currently no wares postal service to these countries from Germany, including the US, Canada and Japan) and for the other half there's not really a guarantee either.

So I've decided to do the following: I'm going to hold off on shipping these two waves until lights are green again (which should be quite soon, seeing as we're already opening most things up in Europe and the rest of the world isn't far behind). To make up for the delay, for every wave you get, I'm shipping you an extra sparkly token per month of delay. Meaning if I can't ship till next month and you get Wave 62 on time, 61 with 1 month delay, and 60 with 2 months delay, you get an extra 3 sparkly tokens. I want each and every one of you to absolutely get your tokens, and your support means a lot to me and I want to make sure you feel some of that appreciation as well :)

Absolutely let me know if you have any questions, or if anything else seems off.



Jason Gillman

Very generous, thank you!


Thanks for the update.


It's the least I can do, this whole thing has been stressing me out for a whole month already and I think this way I can make the wait worth it for you :0


Will the extra sparkle tokens be from the respective delayed shipments or from the newest wave?


sehr nett von dir!! stehe weiter hinter deiner sache!! die anderen in meiner edh gruppe staunen jedes mal über die token ❤️


They'll be all kinds! :) I just reprinted most of them for the Kickstarter so I'll make it a mix of the all stars :)


Glad you’re doing okay. I’m pumped to use the tokens when Ikoria is finally released!


Just make sure you're okay in this whole mess, we need you to keep making amazing art for a long time! Stay safe, stay healthy!


Oh man dude thats super awesone, thank you. Cant wait for a melding pot of all sorts of goodness. You stay safe out there!