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Hello all! The next wave will be going out in about a week or two! As you probably already noticed, these posts go up on the last day of the month and set the charging process in motion - meaning that a few days to a week later Patreon is done with processing payments and then I can start on preparing shipping :3 Hope the changes from last time made things a bit smoother once more, as always feel free to let me know any feedback you have!




Just going to start off with: Cat Soldier Tokens.. I'm giggling hard over these. I now must make a deck using Cat Soldier tokens because I have to use these.


Haha glad to hear you like them :D I have some Bird Soldiers coming up as well :D


I may be the only one who experienced these issues, but I never received my letter? I was slightly concerned, and figured they should have arrived by now...Am I just overthinking this, or...?


Still waiting on wave 7. Anyone know the normal shipping time from EU to Canada? Every day I go to my mailbox full of hope and come back disappointed, not sure how much longer I can stand the anticipation of receiving my first patreon package


Oh man among all the countries that I've shipped to I think Canada might actually be the slowest of them all. I have a friend there and we send stuff back and forth and it can take some time. It should arrive soonish though! Keep me updated please :)


Is it too late if I want to increase my pledge to get more tokens in wave 8?


Hi, just got the email about the new wave coming but, yet to receive the previous one after a similar email (wave 7) on 30.09.15?? Can you help?? Im in the UK.


Hey Neil, the last of that wave went out about two weeks ago and sometimes take a bit to reach people :) Give it another week and message me if it still hasn't arrived by then - we'll work it out :)


Yes as far as I can tell Patreon has already started charging - as a general rule I usually post up these paid posts on the last day of the month, so as long as it's not up you're free to edit, join or cancel :)


Hey, out of curiosity, why are you not using the patreon thing that automatically charges every month and instead are using the one that charges per "content post"? Just seems a little inconvenient on your end! I'm so excited though, the payment just went through for me and I absolutely can't wait to get my tokens from both here and the Kickstarter! Oh what I would give for a hand-drawn elf warrior lady, lol. Also since I'm a bit confused - How exactly do you get the addresses for the support? I don't remember putting my address in Patreon anywhere and I'm concerned that it won't be the right address. Thanks!


Good question - the reason is that if I'm on vacation or there's some emergency or whatever, this way I'll be able to skip a wave if necessary - the monthly thing would charge people regardless and it'd be trouble! Regarding the address - I have an address for you, but if you didn't enter any it is probably coming from your PayPal or credit card. It should have asked you for one, I think you can go to your user data and edit it there :) Or message me and we can see if the one I have is correct!