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HEY! Unfortunately it seems Patreon fucked up - the last post was supposed to charge you - but it didn't. Now this one is past the deadline for last month. Shiiiiiit.

What this means is you don't get charged for March and won't be until May 1 I think. I'll still ship the Beast tokens to you, even though I won't get paid until May, but I want to make sure all of you receive your tokens in time. Now here is where it gets tricky - if you have a monthly maximum set for your pledge, please double that maximum for April, since this means that technically there'll be two waves this month (and zero in March). I apologize for this confusion and will try to contact all of you to make sure you can get both waves if you pledge for both.

Old text below.

Hey! For those of you that just signed up, this post triggers the payment process, which then gives me the addresses, allowing me to ship you sweet tokens, including the BEAST tokens

They should ship around April 15th and if you are a Patron at the time of this post, they're coming to you! Please allow a shipping runtime of between 1 and 3 weeks, depending on where in the world you live!

As always, if there's anything that seems off or if there's something missing or if you have suggestions or any other questions, just let me know! Shoot me a message here or an email at algenpfleger@gmail.com if you have any problems whatsoever. I'm here to help!

All the best, and thank you! Hannes

PS: This marks 5 years of this Patreon. You guys can not imagine how much your support of my work means to me. When I started this thing, I thought let's just make some tokens and maybe a few people will want to get them shipped directly to their home. I absolutely did not expect it to grow to hundreds of people. Thank you!





i just become a patreon and i suppose it’s too late for this wave :)?


I got the receipt so i believe i got charged, crisis averted? May my monies be the fuel to your art endeavors \(=3=)/


Oh thank god and at the same time WHAT'S GOING ON, maybe Patreon is pranking me today


Got my receipt as well so definitely seems like it was just delayed, assuming it shows up on your end as well. Logging in today there was a notice about some site functions being delayed so perhaps that did it. Anyway definitely come out on my end now, a few hours after you posted this update.


I got my receipt!


got my receipt too


I also got my receipt, on April 1st


I jst received these tokens, yay!!