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Hello all! The next wave will be going out in about a week or so! Just a note on the process here - as you noticed, these posts are usually a bit earlier - the main reason for that is that basically they are what leads to Patrons actually being charged :D I'm still working on making shipping as smooth as possible, this month will bring another change that should hopefully speed things up! Bla bla bla! Hope you enjoy the tokens!




Awesome, really looking for my first package


Cant wait for these and the kick starter ones to arrive :-)


if we pledged today, will we get in on wave 7 or 8? thanks!


Dean, if you pledged on that day, then you will start in the next wave, wave 8. I had a similar experience when I first pledged.


Wewt! So many tokens!!!


First time supporting this. Super excited :) Question: Will you (Johannes) be sending out a notification when you send out the tokens or should we just check our mailboxes periodically?