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This was overdue, but I just couldn't find a good design for it until now! I've been trying without success to do an Elemental for months, but I didn't want it to be just a fire with eyes. Your feedback on the Faerie was really encouraging and so I'll try to explore that direction a little more - I'm enjoying it so much more than the normal realistic fantasy style! Anyways, here you go - a Ghibli inspired Elemental token for all, as the sparkly token for August! :)





These are fun! At this point I want to see a Ghibli inspired set.


Love it!


Love the style! Please do explore it some more.


Perfect! This certainly keeps me subbed :D


i´m a big fan of your work and have been a supporter for a long time but this is too much Anime/Pokemon style for me and i really don´t like this kind of drawing so i´m thinking about a pause for my Abo. will be back when there are tokens without the Pokemontouch

Luccia Moira

I just went from $38 to $20 per month-- has nothing to do with the work you're doing (excellent as ever) but capitalism sucks and I'm not in a great financial position rn


This is amazing! I love it!