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Okay Faeries have been consistently getting a ton of votes, but with Throne of Eldraine coming out soon, there's really no other choice here! I also felt that somehow it makes limited sense to have all my tokens use strictly the same style as the official art, I feel there's enough of that out there. So if you guys don't mind, I'll try and play around a bit more like I did with the Saprolings or Squirrel tokens. So without further ado, here's a Ghibli inspired Faerie Rogue token as our sparkly for July! :) 





I love it!


So this is the poster for a new Ghibli movie right?


I absolutely adore this one!


Absolutely love this!


I'm so excited to receive mine! This might be my new favourite <3


So glad you guys like it so much! That's really encouraging, it's always so scary to depart from tried and true, thank you!


Just increased my pledge for this month, absolutely love this token! Not giving us much time to do that mind, Patreon takes payment tomorrow! I know I've asked this in the past but I feel it bears asking again - Is there any possibility of a ~$15 10+10+1 tier, so 20 normal tokens and one sparkly? At present you have the $20 tier which is 20+20+1, but I'm not really interested in the extra paper tokens and can't really afford the full $20 every single month. The $18 tier isn't ideal either, since I'd only normally care about one sparkly token but I would like the full 10+10 other tokens. Some sort of ~$15 10+10+1 tier would be extremely good, and I'd absolutely up my pledge to that every month. That way I'm not having to choose between sparkly tokens or paper tokens, and it's the best of both worlds.


Hi, is it possible to double the pledge?


Now I have to shove bitterblossom back into modern to show these off.


It seems it is well received by your patrons hannes which is delightful to see. It seems you're in time with the folks here. The token came out great!


OH MY GOD! Instant Miyazaki vibes. Could be straight out of "The Secret World of Arrietty"


I'm so excited for this one!


I had supported your previous kickstarter works, but this right here made me create a patreon account. Beautiful! I will share this with my friends!


I am very happy to hear that you are going to experiment more from now on. You should feel free to play around rather than feeling held to one style. The new token looks great.


Hi there, love your work! I was informed that your foil tokens are smaller than the regular tokens, could you please confirm whether this is true?


It is true. I have a handful of foil tokens and they are slightly smaller and thicker than a normal card.


Is it always possible to have this token if i become a patron ? I really want to have this one.


Oh wow this is gorgeous! I had to downsize my pledge for a few months for financial reasons so I missed this one. Is there a way for me to get my hands on this or should I just wait for the next Kickstarter? :D