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Hey all! Since I've gotten some questions about this, and since a few of you just signed up and might want to know, I thought I'd help with some anwers!

How does payment work? At the end of each month, there's a paid post by me announcing "Wave 26 is coming" - this post will trigger Patreon to charge you (for that Wave) and collect the addresses and deliver them to me. That takes about a week, after which I will package, label and ship the tokens to you. At this point, I'll announce "Wave 26 has been shipped." Runtime of the packages, depending on where you are in the world (I'm in Germany), is 1-3 weeks. It gets pretty clear after the first month :)

When does that Sparkly Elf Warrior come? The packages you are receiving just now are Wave 25 - charged on April 30th, processed until around May 7th, shipped around May 14th. The sparkly Elf Warrior will be in Wave 26! Meaning, you'll receive it if you are an active Patron on May 31st, and it'll arrive in June :) 

In which tiers is that Sparkly Elf Warrior? Just where you'd expect it - 1 each in the $20 tier, 3 in the $30 tier and obviously 2 in the $40 tier. The wave after will probably have a sparkly Faerie Rogue! But I'll announce that in time :)

If there's ever anything you'd like to know, or if something's missing from your package or you got the wrong package altogether or none at all - don't hesitate to simply message me! I'll get on top of it asap :) I'll spare you the marketing bullshit but I really do take care to make each and every single one of you happy.

All the best



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